My Web3 Social Media Earnings, January 2023

I totally forgot to share my January 2023 earnings from Web3 social media last week. Two reasons:

  1. I’ve been very focused on the February 15 book launch of Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!).
  2. And a week of winter rain, clouds, and ice had me fighting diminished power to keep my laptop sufficiently charged long enough to stay productive. Because I’m completely off-grid, I keep everything powered by solar. In North Texas, we get plenty of sun, even during the winter months, but a week’s worth of cloudy weather isn’t out of the question. My wife and I are still building out our solar system, so it’s a work in progress. While we have enough to keep us powered up most days, and can push through two or three days of cloudy weather, when it rains straight through for a whole week, well, then we start thinking conservatively. Counting my earnings for January just slipped my mind.

Therefore, some of the following earnings go through February 5, as that was the day I got around to counting. Others are trackable month to month. These numbers are not totally accurate, but pretty close.


While I try to walk as often as I can, and count my steps during normal everyday activities, there are some days when I don’t do my morning walk because it’s either too cold or too wet. Nevertheless, I managed to scrape together 42.586 AFIT on the Actifit app in January. That translates to $0.1843347345121 USD.

January earnings rounded down = $0.18

For the record, last year, my worst month was $0.024 USD. Every other month was over 20 cents.


I joined the Diamond App, which allows me to earn DeSo. The onboarding process was frustrating, but I finally got it. Everyone’s raving about it, but I’m not altogether impressed. For one thing, I continue to get this silly popup that no one tell me anything about or what it means. It looks like an issue with MetaMask, but I can’t figure out what the problem is.

When I click the “OK” button, this is what I see. Another popup.

And when I click “Approve,” it tried to connect to MetaMask. Ensuring I’m on the right network and trying to connect to the right account, I move forward only to see this:

So, it looks like a connection issue between MetaMask and DeSo, but I don’t understand why DeSo would refer me to MetaMask. I’ve never seen this with any other app I’ve tried to connect to with MetaMask. If you have any insight into this, I’d appreciate your help.

All of that aside, I earned 0.0186 DeSo tokens last month. That equates to nine cents in USD.

January earnings = $0.09

While DeSo issues every user a creator coin, I have yet to sell any of my creator coins. Not that I’m trying.


gFam continues to be my bread and butter. I earned 58.1 XRP tokens last month, the equivalent of $31.2541418.

January earnings rounded down = $31.25


While I’m thankful for the short-term earnings I’ve enjoyed with gFam (honestly, it’s been pretty stable for eight full months I’ve been active on it), I see Hive as the long-term play. What I like about it is it’s potential to grow as an income and earnings stream. In January, I earned 12.298 Hive tokens, 20.094 HBD (Hive-Backed Dollars), and 8.099 HDB in my Hive savings account. That equates to $5.552547, $20.69682, and $8.34197, respectively.

January earnings rounded down = $34.58

One might wonder, why did my Hive earnings jump from about $8 in December to more than $30 one month later? Here’s my secret: Curation trails. Yep, I followed a few, and I’m anxious see how consistently I can earn upwards of $30 per month just following a few of these trails.

There is a payoff, however. They do cost resource credits, which limits my ability to post. On the other hand, in the interest of full disclosure, I do drop anywhere from $50 to $100 into my Hive account and power up on most months. That increases my resource credits and allows me to have more earning power. But I haven’t done that in the last couple of months because I’ve had huge automobile maintenance expenses. I do plan to continue that practice for the rest of 2023.


I can’t think of a dumber name for a social media platform than Housefly, but I was contacted on LinkedIn by one of its founders and invited to join. So I did. No earnings thus far, and I’m wondering if I’ll even be there long enough to gain some. I’m not impressed.


Publish0x is my rock. In January, I earned 2.9934 AMPL, 0.00282084 ETH, and 7.5349 SPOT. These translate into $3.412476, $4.6426230972, and $8.589786, respectively.

January earnings rounded down = $16.64

That’s about on part with my average from last year, which was $17.4375 per month.


My earnings on Read.Cash dropped off because support for Noise.Cash discontinued with the launch of Noise.App. On the other hand, earnings picked up due to the return of the reward bot.

January earnings were 0.03191498 BCH. That amounts to $4.33 USD.

January earnings = $4.33


My Torum earnings have hit the floor. It has nothing to do with the platform. I just don’t visit every day. Essentially, if I’m not sharing the latest edition of Cryptocracy, I don’t show up and that diminishes my earnings—daily and weekly. Therefore, my earnings are next to nil.

The only thing I can say is that Torum feels to me too much like Facebook. It’s a social network platform, not a blogging platform. For that reason, it has less appeal to me. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a good platform. It just isn’t my style.

Earnings for January were 36 XTM. That equals approximately $0.77904 USD.

January earnings rounded down = $0.77


I reported earlier this week that Coil is sunsetting its protocol. @unklebonehead and I even discussed it in our last Defluenced podcast episode.

I don’t make much from Coil, but I like it. In my mind, it’s the kind of thing online creators need to monetize their traffic, even if just a little bit. I’m sad to see it go.

My January earnings were 10 cents, somewhat less than most months last year.

January earnings = $0.10


I’m going to stop reporting on BAT. For much of last year, I saw no earnings. I noticed at one point that I went from Verified to Unverified, so I tried to verify my wallet again. I’ve tried several times. Every time, I get this:

Not very much help, is it?

Was I flagged for something I did or was it a false positive? I don’t know. And there’s no way to tell. I can’t think of anything I might have done to be flagged. I use my browser like I’ve always use a browser. And because I’m a writer who is always working on a project that requires research, I do a lot of research. And I don’t really want to be bothered with ads. That’s why I started using Brave to begin with—to block the ads.

But then, I thought, why not activate the ads and see if they’re disruptive? They weren’t. So I kept them on and was happy to see some earnings from them for a short time. Until I was flagged. That happened around July last year.

I’m still flagged. Therefore, I see no reason to continue reporting on BAT earnings when I’m not receiving them (and have no idea if I’ll ever receive them again). Come to think of it, I’ll just turn the ads off.


I like Presearch, even more than I like Brave. If I get booted from earning there, I’ll be red-faced pissed. January’s earnings were 29.9 PRE. That amounts to $1.442376.

I can’t withdraw PRE tokens until I have at least 1,000 PRE in my account. I currently have 724. I’ll likely bid on a keyword at that point and use my PRE to promote the books I write. I’m not ready to do that just yet, but I’m getting close.

January earnings rounded down = $1.44

Total January Earnings

My total January earnings for Web3 social media activity comes to $89.41611463. That’s a few dollars less than my average of last year, when I remove the pay I’ve received at Hive for freelance writing projects I earned from. That’s not great, but not bad for an income stream that isn’t my primary source of income. In other words, a side hustle.

January earnings from Web3 social media, rounded down = $89.41 USD

Remember, this is in a down market that is just now barely turning. I can’t wait to see what it will be in an upwardly moving market.

Cryptocracy is a decentralized newsletter published several times a week. I curate the latest news and crypto analysis from some of the brightest minds in crypto, and sometimes offer a little insightful and snarky commentary. Always fresh, always interesting, and always crypto. Original articles on Fridays.

First published at Cryptocracy. Not to be construed as financial advice. Do your own research.

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