How Much Hive I Earned in June 2022 (And Other Cryptosocial Earnings)

This cryptosocial update comes as just the right time as Scott Cunningham and I recently discussed how cryptosocial earnings are correlated with the market cycle on The MTC Show with my friend Ryan Gerardi. The YouTube video is below.

A couple of hours after livestreaming Ryan’s show, Scott interviewed me for his show Crypto & Things. That was not livestreamed. Pre-recorded, you’ll soon be able to see watch it on YouTube. I’ll let you know when.

Without further ado, I’ll jump in and share my cryptosocial earnings for June.

Cryptosocial Earnings, June 2022

This past month I added a couple of new platforms to my routine and dropped some. The Terra Luna crash caused me to drop Loop, but Loop is in the process of jumping chain to Juno. When that happens, I expect an airdrop of the new token and I’ll decide at that time on whether I’ll pick up where I left off.

Other sites I dropped this month include Minds and MG Social. I replaced them with Actifit and gFam.


I’m not sure how long I’ll continue with Bastyon. I like the set up, but my earnings are slipping and they weren’t that much to begin with. I can only spend so much time each day posting to the sites, so I have to be careful how I spend my time. Otherwise, I’d join a hundred different sites and post to them all.

At any rate, my earnings in June at Bastyon was less than one penny. I earned a total of 0.00665 PKOIN, which translates into 0.00656488 USD.

June earnings = $0.01 (rounded up)


Being that gFam is fairly new, I’ll add a screenshot showing what it looks like.

This is what it looks like when logged in. As you can, it’s very streamlined. Sorted by Most Recent, it shows a thumbnail and the moniker of the person who created each post on the left, and posts are sorted by the day. There is also a post title and three small icons that show how many people have viewed the post, how people have tipped the post, and how many people have commented on the post. On the right, the icon indicates how much XRP has been tipped to that individual.

When signing up, users connect their Xumm wallet with gFam so that other users can tip them in XRP. On gFam, you earn in one of two ways.

  1. XRP tips from other users
  2. Coil protocol tracking based on time spent reading on the page.

Naturally, the Coil protocol should encourage long-form content, but from what I’ve seen, most of the content is shorter. That’s okay, but short content can be just as valuable as long-form content. Most users will probably earn more from tips. Here’s what the bottom of each post looks like where users can tip other users.

So, what have my earnings been like for the month?

I’ve actually done pretty well in XRP tips. I’ll save the Coil earnings for later when I discuss Coil. That’s because my Coil earnings from all sources are tracked through one payment pointer. I don’t have it broken down by platform, but I did see my Coil earnings go up in June!

Through gFam, as small as it is, I managed to pull in 114 XRP in one month. That translates into $35.5338 USD.

June earnings (rounded down) = $35.53


Hive is incredible. It’s much more than a social blogging platform. It can also be used as a savings account or staking account. It’s like a decentralized online bank account. One user who goes by @mika has never written a blog post in the six years that he’s been on the platform, but his wallet has a total value of $2,347,286.47. That’s incredible!

Breaking it down, this user has 1,987,844.957 Hive Power, of which 1,982,360.502 is delegated out to other users. He also has $187,351.189 HBD (Hive Dollars) sitting idle. Ah! But there is also $527,483.615 HBD locked in savings. And how much interest did this Hivian earn in June on his HBD savings? $13,086.373. With no posts.

I’m not at that level, obviously. But I do plan to add some more Hive to my account today. Every month, on the first day of the month, Hive celebrates Hive Power Up Day. Users are encouraged to power up their Hive. They can do that either by converting Hive in the accounts to Hive Power or by buying Hive and converting it to Hive Power. The more they power up, the more they can receive in other perks. I actually plan to power up some Hive today, but I’ll be converting some USDC into Hive and powering that up. I plan to do this every month until I decide I’ve powered up enough. Otherwise, it could take a long time to grow one’s account organically from the ground up.

In June 2022, my Hive Power earnings went to 10.742, up from 0.477 in May. My HBD went from 1.441 in May to 4.926 in June. This was due to more people upvoting my posts and the people upvoting them doing so with more of their Resource Credits (Hive allows some users the ability to upvote posts with a percentage from 0 to 100 and that determines a lot of each individual’s earnings on the platform).

My June earnings in USD were $5.8855418 for Hive Power and $4.6801926 for HBD. Total earnings were $10.5657344.

June earnings (rounded down) = $10.56


Since my wallets on Noise.Cash and Read.Cash are shared, I’ll report these together. My June earnings on these two platforms went way down, primarily because I stopped getting rewarded by Read.Cash’s Random Reward Bot. I don’t know why.

Earnings on the two platforms were 0.01277247 in BCH. That translates into $1.25.

June earnings = $1.25


As usual, my Publish0x earnings are the most stable. They may go up and down from month to month, but they’re usually in the same neighborhood. In June, I earned 8.7753 AMPL and 1024.8604 STA. That translates into $14.14 total earnings.

June earnings = $14.14


My earnings fluctuations on Torum are mostly due to me sometimes forgetting to check and perform my daily missions. In June, I earned 18.13 XTM, a little more than half what I earned in May. That translates into $0.3997665, a far cry less than what I was earning in February and March this year.

June earnings (rounded down) = $0.39


Actifit is an activity tracker, similar to STEPN, connected to the Hive blockchain. I started using it because my wife and I do a lot of walking in association with our YouTube channel.

This mobile app pays uers in AFIT for performing ordinary physical fitness routines. It fits in nicely with the Move2Earn movement.

What I find quite nice about Actifit is I can post my daily activity report on the Hive blockchain and earn Hive rewards while also earning AFIT. My June AFIT earnings were 0.532. That translates into $0.02352504. Not much, but something.

June earnings (rounded down) = $0.02


Funny, I’ve been using Coil for months and earning less than $1 per month. Suddenly, I started using gFam and my earnings went way up. But it may not have been gFam that made the difference. I’m also monetizing the YouTube channel with it and we saw a little tick in traffic on our YouTube channel in June.

June earnings = $1.12


With Presearch, I earn by conducting search engine queries. I earned 50.88 PRE in June 2022. That translates into $5.286432, slightly less than my norm. That could be because I lost a client at the end of the month and another client never got back to me about an article I was supposed to write so I wrote one less article than usual. My guess is they are experiencing some turbulence due to the economy. I may end up losing them until the economy spends back upwards again.

June earnings (rounded down) = $5.28


Since I use the Brave browser, I earn some BAT each month, but I haven’t actually seen a payout in months. In June, I earned 0.431 BAT, which equals $0.1733051 USD. Unfortunately, my wallet isn’t verified and when I tried to verify it, I got this:

I don’t know what that’s all about, but it’s a huge red flag. That’s one other thing I have to look into and try to figure out why I’m not receiving my earnings.

June earnings (rounded down) = $0.17

Total Earnings

My total earnings from all platforms is actually pretty good. At least, a little more than double what they were in May. That is largely due to adding gFam to my routine and receiving XRP tips. My earnings from all platforms was $68.499128.

The top three earning platforms for me in June were:

  1. gFam
  2. Publish0x
  3. Hive

Total earnings (rounded down) = $68.49

Additional Tokens

I’m going to talk about one more benefit to posting on Hive. Because it is decentralized, anyone can create a token (and a lot of people have). As a result, I’ve earned a lot of tokens from other users. Some of those tokens are earned rewards based on posting on a Hivian interface such as Leo Finance. Others are tips received from other Hivians. Many of them have no value so I’m not going to figure out how much each of these tokens is worth, but I would like to note that I have received these tokens and they are in my wallet. The amounts listed below are the total number of that token earned since I’ve been playing on Hive, starting in December 2021.

  • 1UP = 12.39981243
  • BEE = 0.0079918
  • BHT = 0.59191
  • CCC = 1.59709
  • CENT = 1.5484912
  • CTP = 3.579
  • Ecency = 34
  • LASSECASH = 0.01030241
  • LEO = 24.773
  • LOH = 0.1
  • NEOXAG = 230.26264602
  • PAL = 0.003
  • POB = 0.66480778
  • PESOS = 0.097
  • SEX = 0.004
  • SPORTS = 11963.221
  • WAIV = 1.1881706

This concludes my report for June 2022. I’ve elected not to include my staking earnings because they’re a little difficult to track across all platforms and protocols, and they’re pretty small since most of my accounts are only in the hundreds rather than thousands. Suffice it to say that the little bit I earn each month on cryptosocial isn’t making me rich, but I can shore up those earnings to use later while converting some into coins and tokens that I think have long-term staying power. During the next bull run, I expect to see many of these returns grow. I am in accumulation mode.

Cryptocracy is a decentralized newsletter published several times a week. I curate the latest news and crypto analysis from some of the brightest minds in crypto, and sometimes offer a little insightful and snarky commentary. Always fresh, always interesting, and always crypto.

First published at Cryptocracy. Not to be construed as financial advice.

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