Compounding: The Eighth Wonder of the Financial World

Compound interest is a financial concept which helps your money grow quicker. Applying compound formula to your investment will work as catalysts which fasts the reaction. The same is here with your investment which helps grow your investment quickly.

With compound interest you not only earn interest on your initial amount but also earn an interest from compound amount. Which means dual benefits one that you will earn from your initial amount and the other that you earn from your interest as well.

I have firm believe about compounding which is the eighth wonder of the world. This is one of the best way to increase your earning and accumulate money in faster way. Many people are confused how to grow their investment money, those people must give a try to apply compounding.

I can give an example of snowball, which you keep on rolling over the snow it keeps on getting bigger. The same is the case where compound interest accelerates your money growth and after some time you will note how good your investment has grown.

This is absolute that its a long term planning. Compounding is never for short term because it needs to work and the working needs a long term planning. Compound formula will help grow your wealth which will help you at the time of retirement.

As compared to simple interest compound interest is far better in term of higher return. You will get good return after your apply compounding to your investment. This is because every month you keep on adding cash without cashing out and thats one of the main reason of higher return.

The Compound Interest Advantage

Another benefit of compound interest is that it grows your saving and also generate a passive income. Let suppose you have invested $1000 and you add $10 every month. You will earn from $1000 and also from $10 and this process is continued till you have set the time period.

It also mitigate risk and maintain your money value. From time to time your money will grow and at the point you keep on averaging your amount which will mitigate your risk. Also in any time of inflation your money won't be depreciate because of continuous growth of your wallet.

It will provide you a kind of financial security and is flexible as well. What I mean by flexibility is that you can invest to any of the market and apply compound formula and also you can withdraw your money at any time when you need.

Compound interest is something which helps you in the time of needs. For the need of children education, Marriage ceremonies, Emergency needs or any other needs. This will help you in every term of your needs.

Another benefit of compound interest is that your wealth will be transferred to your next generations. Which will help them start their financial career and get support in different needs.

What do you people think about compound interest, do you think its the eight wonder of the world? Do you agree with the benefits of compounding which I shared? Will be glad to see your answers in the comment section.

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