Fun for free


Source: Samsung S6


the theme for today's #februaryinleo, the initiative for increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, is about the inexpensive and fun ideas for entertainment, which falls under the #sundaythoughts.

When I was little, we didn't have much, as I was born in communism, and communism makes most people poor. This is a fact, which was sadly proven by history every time. By not having a lot, we managed to find joy in the simple things, like made up toys, invented castles or other type of structures.

Now, we try not to spend a lot of money, invest most of it, and also having fun. Fun and entertainment does not have to be related to money, even if money can help scale the feelings very fast, both ways. If you are sad, money, can lead you in depression, as it does not give you a purpose in the end.

One of the activities that we do, that costs nothing, and we only benefit from it, is going for a walk to the park in our vicinity. It is around 600 m away, and is very green, with a lot o wildlife living in there. From beautiful and majestic swans, to rabbits, foxes, hedgehogs and many more. And yes, the park is in the city, but somehow, animals managed to move in and adapt to us humans.

The park has about 50 hectares, and has a lake in it o 1,5 hectares. It is not the only water source, as there is a creek that is crossing the park.

It does not cost us anything to go there, and we can run, do sports, as it has an open air gym, play with our son on the different playgrounds. Besides the healthy activities, we can get a book from the nearby library for free and read in the fresh air. Mens sana in corpore sano, as the old Romans would say.

So, I would say, go out, enjoy the sun, enjoy the nature, read, run, play outside, breath! These all are fun activities that improve your health, your spirit, and your soul. And they don't cost a dime.

So, what ideas do you have for fun and inexpensive entertainment?

This is part of the initiative #februaryinleo, where you can still participate, even if you missed the post from the start, like I did. All the details are in here and in here.


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