Family Sunday - a visit to the Old Pinakothek in Munich



today was Sunday, again a full dedicated to the family. As the weather is cold and rainy, we went to a museum here in town. On Sundays, we got the opportunity to enter museums for 1€, which is quite cheap compared to 15€-20€ the normal entry fees.

We went to the Old Pinakothek in Munich, which also the building was an architectural revolution when it was built, inspiring the Hermitage from St. Petersburg.

Will go into a detailed post about the paintings and exhibition, and will focus more on the family today.

My son just turned 5, but I try to give him a good education and to let him pick what he likes, from music, to dance, to food and many more choices. We visit museums often, and today he was immersed into some paintings, where he asked a lot of questions.

One of this, The Great Last Judgement by the Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens, took him a lot of time to study. Of course he does not grasp too much, due to his age, and questions are simple, but it is tough to explain, why there is a half man half goat creature (pan) grabbing two fat women by the hands, or why the old guy has a stone tablet in his hand, and if it is like modern tablets.

Te size is also overwhelming, 608,5 x 463,5 cm, when is almost 120 cm. What he did notice, was the persons on the left side, seemed to be happier than the ones of the right side. Which is true, as the first ones go to haven, and the second are pushed back by Archangel Michael.

We like to go for ourselves to see, and also like to teach him. He sometimes asks us, when we go out, either to the mountains, or to a museum, or to some event. We want him to enjoy life at the fullest, to have his own point of view. For this, we even say, when my wife and I have different tastes, as he does not need to follow us, but make his own decision.

We are fortunate, to live in a place where we can visit a lot of things, with almost to no cost. The only thing that costs the most, is the transportation till there, but this also is not so high, if planned accordingly.

This is one part of the education that we give to him, especially on Sundays, where we let everything go and focus on the family.

How about you, do you take time for your family?

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