#AskLeo - Are you still buying crypto?


for today's #AskLeo, the tag by @acesontop, I want to ask you a simple question, do you still buy crypto?

I was discussing with someone today, that wants to enter crypto and wanted to know what to buy and why. He asked me if I still buy crypto, as he knows that I'm active in the space.

So this is how I came to this discussion, as I preach crypto but do I buy now, and by buying I mean turning FIAT into crypto.

Well, I will answer, what I said to him and what I do. I do buy, but do it anonymously, without involving banks. I don't want anybody to know my financial status, especially if there are socialist lunatics that want to impose tax on fortune.

I'm either buying via ATMs that stay anonymous or via persons of trust, where we go for a coffee and crypto is transferred on my wallet in the meantime.

Well, I like that my financial status is known only by me, not anybody else, especially banks and governments. If they don't know, they will not take it.

Like crypto is one thing that can save a financial situation in front of nationalizations or tax increases. My keys, my assets. Also, no loose threads that can trace my wallets, as this is the biggest mistake people make, using same device for social media, banking, mail and crypto.

So, yes, I buy regularly, not a big sum, as I can't afford it, but a few satoshis are added to the stash every second month at least.

How about you, do you still buy crypto?

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