The joy of Christmas giving (to your future self)

It's Christmas weekend and time to disconnect from work, the worries of money and the internet. It's time to connect with friends and family and enjoy the beauty that is life.

Before I go out to make the last purchases for our Christmas lunch and dinner invitations, I'd like to give out some gifts.

In this gift-giving season. I'm not leaving myself out. I am writing this journal entry on Inleo, one of the most innovative and active front ends of the HIVE blockchain ecosystem. The post rewards I will earn, no matter how small, will be a gift to my future self. A gift that may seem small now; insignificant even, but alas, it will grow many times over, through the power of compounding. How large? Nobody knows.

What I do know is that investing for the long term can have a profound impact on the growth of my initial investment.
Power of compounding.png
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Lovely isn't it?

Even if the coins I'm staking here ($HIVE and $LEO) were to stay at their current price forever, my future self will be able to use that stake to create more wealth that can be then distributed to others in exchange for design services, editing services, art, game assets and many more things.

Wealth that can be sent through the interwebs in mere seconds, without fees and without using the banking system or any company's service that needs to be paid for.

Freedom money.

Future money.

Will you do the same for YOUR future self? (you probably should)

If you have some $HIVE in your wallet, don't cash out yet. Build that stack, put it away as Hive Power and forget about it for a while. Keep a journal in the meantime, make instructional videos, write tutorials for yourself and others on how to understand blockchain technology and the tools available within the HIVE ecosystem. Create value for others and they will create value for you.

Value for Value in parallel economies.

Christmas in 2030 will be way different and your future self will be very grateful :)

Merry Christmas everybody!

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