Crypto is on sale! caught the dip using this app

gm dear frens!

Super excited about this major opportunity to load my bags with some HIVE!

Price Alerts

Hive spent a hell of a lot of time around $1 last year and has been hovering around $0.50 since May. I honestly thought I wouldn't have a chance to pick up more HIVE for much less than $0.45. However today I got notified of a mayor dip and set some buy orders.

I'd like to give you a quick overview about in this video.

The Crypto App newsletter

I also found out The Crypto App joined forces with Alpha Hunt, a blockchain investment fund who among other things, do lots of investment research on a wide variety of projects ranging from early-stage project to medium size projects. So the information here might turn out to be quite valuable.

They've only put out their 2nd edition, so we're going to have to wait and see how it plays out.

Other features I'm liking about this app

I'm still exploring the app, but I've found the portfolio feature to by one of my absolute favorite features.

The reason is, I'm able to connect my hardware wallets, EVM compatible wallets (0x) wallets and even the small amount of my portfolio held on exchanges at any given time. This last bit is achieved by using the exchanges API so that it will connect to the app and will add whatever tokens you are holding to your portfolio.

Super useful!

I'm still exploring all the features, but very happy with what I've found so far.

stay awesome Lions!

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