my 5-year Jive too 100K HP - Jan 9th UPDATE

My 5 year jive - Jan 9th update.png

gm lions!

I hope you've had an awesome start to a year that is sure to have tons of great news! I'm definitely pumped about making. the most out of the best investment of my time, which is exchanging knowledge with the members of this amazing community.

Quick update on my HIVE goals I set for myself last year. Still looks like I'm on track to reach my 100K HP goal by Dec 2026. Although I think I might have to do a little fine tuning based on my current holdings and activity on the HIVE blockchain. As of today, If I'm going to reach my goal by said date, I'm looking at an average of 40 HIVE per day from content creation, curation, and buying on the open market. Thankfully, Hive is still on sale today, so picking up some coins at $0.29 won't break the bank. But that won't always be the case, so I need to take advantage now that HIVE is under $1.00. Once it's above that threshold, I won't be able to afford to buy that much on the open market, which is why I'm pushing myself to


If you show your peers that you're here to add value to the community by bringing people to the blockchain, showing them what they can build here, showing newcomers what communities are available, interacting with other community members, etc. I think I'll be able to increase the number of people that want to interact with me and maybe increase my share of the reward pool a little bit so it's closer to my target of 40 HP per day on average.

As it's been said on Community Token Talk (CTT), Crypto Maniacs Podcast, Chain Chatter and other spaces put together by the likes of TheyCallmeDan and BrianOfLondon: Your reputation in the Hive ecosystem goes a long way. Not necessarily the number next to your profile, but your visibility and credibility on the platform. The more you're seen, the more you make insightful and encouraging comments to others, the more likely you are to start building a following. So this week I did my first experiment in posting every day and managed to get my very first weekly author badge on
weekly author badge 01.png

hurray for me!

I know it's not a huge deal, but like I said in a previous post about developing small, atomic habits that improve your life one very small amount at a time can not only add up, they can actually have a compounding effect.

complounding graph.png

image source

I don't plan to post every single day of the year. I know some days can be busier or you can be on vacation out of town, but I do intend to have more weeks where I post every day.

I also intend to increase my consistency in my curation activities. As you can see from the chart on the right, I slacked over the holiday break, which is why my curation chart is kind of "U" shaped. The idea is to have it as consistent as possibe.

Hivestats daily activity.png

Right now, my APR% from curation is at an unimpressive 5.20% if I make it a goal to increase this number by 1% per day for the next 7 days we're looking at the following level of improvement:

Day 15.252%
Day 25.305%
Day 35.358%
Day 45.410%
Day 55.470%
Day 65.520%
Day 75.580%

By next week, I should have an average APR% of 5.58%. I think this is not that very hard to achieve. I've seen some folks have curation APR closer to 10%. So if I put my mind to it, I think I can increase my current curation APR% significantly.

I'll probably be coming up with other habits that will help me fine tune my system here on HIVE. As soon as I know what I would like to improve, I'll be sure to share it here in a post for you.

What about you Lions?

ow are you doing with your goal setting for 2023?

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