Announcing the new tokenomics of MUSICFORLIFE

Musicforlife Launch Announcement

old logo which is being rebuilt now, anyways thanks to the spectacular artist who made this one


Hello everyone, today, Academia Libertad Gaming Studios (@ al-gaming) wants to share with you great news, which is that at last the Musicforlife community in Hive will take the big step to become a tribe, improving the interaction of its users in every sense.

The tribe will be live very soon on We are working with the hive-engine dev to have everything in the place before going live.

The Musicforlife project has been going on for more than 3 months since its first announcement and in recent weeks we have had the opportunity to advance and grow this project. For that reason, I will tell you more in detail about the project and our goal with the tribe.

Development: Project summary and token

First of all, I would like to tell you how the idea for Musicforlife came about. The project was born under the idea of ​​creating a space in the Hive Blockchain to reward all kinds of music lovers (instead of just musicians), this means that if you like to talk about your favorite bands or songs, You can find it on MusicForLife, the place to share this passion rather than on mainstream social media, where work is not directly rewarded and there may be unreasonable censorship by a central power. Plus this topic of music will be the perfect low entry barrier for even non-crypto users that will come from our youtube channel and marketing strategies. everybody loves music

With that idea in mind, we set out on a mission to attract different types of users to MusicForLife:

  • Cryptocurrency lovers
  • Users who do not use cryptocurrencies normally, but are music lovers
  • Non-crypto users looking to get started in this world (we have many video tutorials in spanish, now looking for build the same path in native english)
  • Musicians (Who do not know anything about cryptocurrencies)
  • Small artists / regular social media influencers, etc

-The main objective is to create a large user base on Musicforlife and start to develop this brand outside of HIVE, creating dapps, NFTs projects, and having alliances with other projects. A clear example of this is Rising Star (@risingstargame), our biggest partner, which is a game built on Hive based on music, the same one that has been helping us with its voting power to reward, from the beginning to the users in the community.

In our proposal there are two types of problems that we are going to review, the external ones (outside the Hive Blockchain) and the internal ones (on the Hive Blockchain).

There are actually a lot of problems in trying to bring non-crypto users into the world of cryptocurrencies and that includes problems like:
a) Crypto seems to be so difficult to use and even understand.
b) They don't know how to relate this new technology to something that already exists.

We know LEO is doing not a only good job but an amazing incredible job in doing this task bringing new users to power of the blockchain hive and the 2nd layer, we want to contribute too.

Also, there are many groups of Fans (speaking of the Music niche) out there who do not know anything about crypto-verse and how their interactivity on other social media can be rewarded in a decentralized way.

On the issues within hive, we've been seeing a lot since the idea for MusicForLife was born.

The first is that Hive fails as a good place to reward our users' activity, and that is why tribes like LeoFinance had an excellent development bringing a new niche experience instead of the general Hive blog.

The second is that theres no an "universal niche" to attract new users (crypto and non-crypto) to Hive. What we mean by universal niche is a topic that anyone can talk about.

And last but not least is the fact that normally tribes just stay at that, in tribes. We believe that a tribe is just the beginning of a good project because new sinks and dapps are necessary to add value to this new ecosystem that is being created in the second layer of the hive.


At first glance it is obvious that we are going to use hive's second layer blockchain to create our Tribe, which includes the scotbot and all that stuff. Surely that's the plan, but our goal is that after x time and ASAP, we can start developing new sinks / use cases for our token on other Blockchains.
We mainly focus, at least in the beginning, on Hive-like Blockchains, like WAX. We will use the power of your NFTs to introduce the concept of music from our tribe to your blockchain. Although it sounds somewhat complex, it is something that is already happening, an NFT can be used to unlock a file of a song made by an artist for example.

we are the same cofounders of an incredible new hive experience called @hashkings


The Musicforlife token will be called VIBES (it is already listed in hive-engine, although it cannot be traded yet) and will have the following specifications and economy:

  • Initial supply of 100k tokens
  • 21 million maximum supply
  • An inflation for the proof of brain of 1 token every 19 hive blocks, which will be reduced by 21% every 2,100,000 Hive blocks (approximately 2 and a half months). 5% of those rewards will go to the development of Musicforlife and 288 tokens (VIBES) will be distributed among the miners every day.

Percentages of the distribution of the initial tokens

  • 10% Rising Star Team (@risingstargame) for your constant help.
  • 10% @spinvest for your contribution to finance the project.
  • 40% Destined to the community (airdrop initial)
  • 20% Influencers and marketing
  • 20% Musicforlife development team (insta-staking)

As you can see the tokens are totally descentralized, as community and influencers will get around the 60% of initial supply.

About the airdrop you still have time to start posting to the musicforlife community at peakD. The platform will be launched in the following days on a minimum viable product, then the airdrop will be carried out and we will start working from there on the visual part. You can now start buying VIBESMINERS on hive-engine as we are not selling any of the VIBES tokens.

thanks @risingstargame and @spinvest


you still have some time to start posting on our musicforlife community on peakD to be elegible in the initial airdrop. We will reward all our early adopters who trust in our project months ago and now too.

Just need to start posting and you will be part of the aidrop, more old activity more participations, please dont spam the community :)



There will also be 21000 VIBESMINERS (MAX SUPPLY) that will get distributed every day 286 tokens (12 tokens per hours between 20 winners), you can acquire them in hive-engine at a price of 1.50 HIVE. Whose sale will be used on the musicforlife development team


As you can see, the scarcity is one of the pillars of this project and that is that there will be a reduction in inflation reward by 21% every 2.1 million blocks (every 2 months more or less) and from day 1 we will work on creating use cases, NFTs collections, small dapps to add value to the coin.


With all the important points of the project explained, I would like to thank you for your attention and encourage you join our adventure, if you like the world of music and are also interested in the project, dont lose your chance Hoping to update the progress that we are making along this new path, I say goodbye.

Good vibes everyone.




TRIBE (not live yet, but you can start posting on the community to participate in the airdrop)

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