Random thoughts about growing something.

I'm not sure if I'm hitting goals. Especially when I cannot help but keep looking at my wallet. Like watching grass grow. Often wondering if there is a fertilizer i can use to boost growth.

A simple solution is all that's needed. Something to get things rolling towards a perpetual cycle where even if the eyes don't strain there is progress seen and felt while in that moment of stillness.

Is it a wonder then it feels like times stood still but the world still churns into moments in living in a day to day bliss of wait and no wait. Then I'm back to staying into a wallet that looks like it could use a boost from something or someone.

I blame myself because I'm always staring at all the prices being spat out by the superhighway. Eyes glued, transfixed into a snails crawl of progress hoping what I'm doing actually gets that wallet to grow.

Stroking it to grow. Willing it to give results to make dreams come true. I mean what can i do? I'm addicted to streams of videos made by crypto bulls hyping me up and encouraging me to play with it.

Mind you I'm not good with all this trading for something forward so I'm just doing small things that seems like I'm not moving forward at all. Envy sure is a bitch.

I can't even help myself stealing countless people's wallets to try and glean some insight into how theirs look much more appealing than the one I'm holding.

That damned human nature of always looking over the fence wondering if it's greener on the other side. I mean why do i keep looking. I've got more things to do that needs my attention.

Anyway best leave it here. Going to eat.

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