Summary: INLEO AMA – February 27, 2024

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This episode of the InLeo AMA featured a comprehensive discussion centered around the current state and future plans for the InLeo platform, particularly focusing on the user interface (UI) enhancements, bug fixes, and the strategic direction towards integrating DeFi features. The speakers highlighted their commitment to improving the platform's stability, the onboarding process for new users, and leveraging DeFi and blockchain technologies to enhance user experience and platform utility.


  • UI Enhancements and Bug Fixes: The team discussed ongoing efforts to streamline the user interface, making it seamless for users to navigate and interact with the platform. A significant part of the discussion revolved around addressing recent bugs and implementing a more intuitive and user-friendly UI design.
  • DeFi Integration and Strategic Direction: The future plans for incorporating decentralized finance (DeFi) functionalities directly into the InLeo UI were outlined. This includes potential features like token swaps, leveraging blockchain technologies like ThorChain for backend operations, and creating a more unified platform that combines social networking with DeFi capabilities.
  • Community Engagement and Feedback: The importance of community feedback in the development process was emphasized, with the team encouraging users to report bugs and suggest improvements. The discussion also touched on how the platform aims to reward community members for their contributions through bounty programs and other incentives.
  • Market trends and crypto Ecosystem: Briefly, the speakers shared their insights on the current cryptocurrency market trends, the potential impact of Bitcoin ETFs, and how these broader market movements could influence the InLeo platform and the LEO token ecosystem.

Detailed summary

UI Enhancements and Bug Fixes

The episode kicked off with an acknowledgment of recent challenges faced by users due to UI bugs and the steps being taken to address them. The team is focused on not just fixing these issues but also redesigning the UI for a smoother user experience. Efforts are being made to make the onboarding process for new users as straightforward as possible, emphasizing the need for a bug-free environment that encourages engagement and retention.

DeFi Integration and Strategic Direction

A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to the future integration of DeFi features within the InLeo platform. The team plans to introduce a swaps UI that utilizes ThorChain for backend operations, aiming to generate revenue through swap fees while enhancing the platform's utility for users. This move is part of a broader strategy to converge various functionalities (social networking, DeFi, etc.) under the InLeo umbrella, making it a more comprehensive blockchain-based platform.

Community Engagement and Feedback

The team underscored the importance of community feedback in shaping the platform's development. Users are encouraged to report bugs and suggest features, with incentives offered for contributions that help improve the platform. This collaborative approach is aimed at fostering a strong community that is actively involved in InLeo's growth and evolution.

Market Trends and Crypto ecosystem

While the discussion was primarily focused on platform-specific topics, there was a brief foray into the broader cryptocurrency market trends. The speakers shared their bullish outlook on Bitcoin and the crypto market at large, suggesting that the positive momentum in the crypto space could have favorable implications for the InLeo platform and the Leo token ecosystem.


The episode provided valuable insights into the current state of the InLeo platform, the team's commitment to addressing user feedback and bugs, and ambitious plans for incorporating DeFi features. By focusing on UI enhancements, community engagement, and strategic integration of blockchain technologies, InLeo is positioning itself as a leading platform at the intersection of social networking and decentralized finance. The discussion also highlighted the potential impact of broader market trends on the platform's future, underscoring the team's proactive approach to leveraging these movements for the benefit of the InLeo community.

@leoglossary links added using LeoLinker.

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