Recap of my hive journey 2k23

Hello everyone

I am hopeful that everyone is doing fine and great. I am here infont of you people to share a recap of my hive journey since the month of july 2k23 (this is the time when i joined hive). This recap will include my finances and also the people i have met here during this time.

Lets start my blog

This is a small intro of my recap all in one frame. Lets explain this thing to make you people understand more clearly. First of all coming towards my hp

My HP (hive power)

I have currently 425hp which i claimed as the author reward and 97hp is the amount which i powered up by taking part in two HPUD. I don't think if it is a bad stats because i also have sold some HBD during this period of time. So selling, claiming and powering up, all doing at the same time and still i have managed to make such a good amount of hp in my account is satisfying for me. I will look forward to power up more in this year

My dream hp for this year

Well, if i can reach an amount of 550+ hp in my starting 5 months then i can easily reach around 2000hp in this whole year. So this is my rough estimate and goal for the hp this year. It might be more than that in the end but for now this will be an amount after which i will be satisfied

My engagement report

I am currently studying but still this report says that i have made 2000+ comments in this whole time. All those comments are always meaningful and i rarely comment like thanks or add me in because this isn't called the engagement. I also reply every comment under my post, this is why i think i managed to increase my friend list in just a short period of time

In this year 2k24, i will be looking forward to explore hive more and increase my engagement, also i will increase the number of posts daily in this period of time

My other tokens

I don't only have a collection of hive but also some of the side tokens like pob, waiv, neoxag, pizza, and many others. The main token which i have in stake is called dhedge. I was told that it would be beneficial to stake this token so i did so and lets what it brings to me in future

Here is a SS from my ecency wallet to show you people some of my tokens which i already have

My hive family and friends

Now coming towards the discussion of my hive family and the friends i have made during this time. I will be talking about them separately.

Some friends i have made through engagement here on hive.

@brittandjosie, I still remember when she noticed that i am a newbie here and she provided me with a contest to fulfill. I did it and she rewarded me for that. After that we started discussion on discord and turned into good friends. In that period of time she was a kind of my hive mentor and i can't ignore her efforts in teaching some essential stuff about hive to me. For example the one flyer of mine in the end of the post is one of her teachings. All thanks to you.

@mypathtofire is a good guy and our interaction increased only because of our engagement on hive. In this period of time i have observed that he can be helpful in case you need any kind of advice or help.

@incublus, the guy i met in Hive gc community when i started posting there (because i am also a gamer and likes gaming alot). But after meeting there we are now kind of friends and one thing which i want to tell you people about him is that he likes his uncle a lot and they both are best friends (i don't know why i am sharing this but i wanted to share it). Hope you won't mind bro

Well, the list is long and i don't want to disturb so many people so all thanks to everyone who supported me here. And also @ecency my favourite platform for posting or whatever i do here to engage with people is just because of it.

Lets talk some stuff about people i made friends on the discord servers of hive

The first discord server i joined was @ecency discord server and i met many people there having so many chit chat with them. It was my starting time and then one day one of the guy (will reveal his name later) invited me to join @hivepakistan discord server. I joined it because it was my own country's server. There i met so many good people like @itwithsm, @aslamrer, @les90, @pravesh0 (i think i met you there) right na? And sorry i am mentioning you so much in these days but don't worry this will be last time for now. (I will only mention guys because i have already praised you in the discord. Lol)

Coming towards the @indiaunited discord server where @bhattg is everywhere with his cool gifs. Haha. i met a very special guy named @catharsis. He is truly a gem and he also helped me so much in understanding so many things about hive.

After that comes the neoxian tribe where i met more people like @justfavour (my discord teacher), @oluwadrey (my hive friend and discord mate also) and many more others.

There is also the reign of raven discord run by a very humble lady named @ravenmus1c. She is also very friendly and works so hard. You will find her always there and i also want to thank her for being that friendly and kind to an unknown guy (not anymore. Lol). Yeah we are kinda friends now.

Last but not the least

@dlmmqb, this is the guy i said i will name later. I might be short of words if i start to praise him but all my improvements and progress on hive is possible just because of him. His way of teaching is a bit strict but if you realise it is just because it is good for you. Really thankful to you brother for doing this all for a guy you never knew.

For this i bring you a little gift from my side and i am hopeful you will like that.

Let me know if you like it or not

@tahastories1, this is the guy who invited me on hive and got an opportunity to make me a buddy of his self. He is really happy nowadays to have me as a good friend because we help eachother a lot when it comes to something related to hive. Also we teach each other about many things 😉. It is a benefit for both of us. Isn't it?

Lets end this blog with a beautiful smile of him

Well, i know i made it too long but believe me there is still so much to tell but caring about your boredom, i made it concise. Let me know how was my progress and engagement report. Also tell me about my friends if you know any that are these good guys or should i not have made them friends. 😂. Your opinion and suggestions are always welcome in my comments section

Well, this was all from my side.



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