Building A Business With Limited Funds

People don't believe that you can start a business with very little capital or without financial capital. In most cases, you require human capital, of which you should be the first employee.

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Any business that requires your knowledge can be started without capital. When I say knowledge, I refer to academic qualifications, skills in production, networking, and connections. Most people don't regard networking and connections as important knowledge that can generate income.

You can charge a certain percentage of money for giving directions to any business venue, connecting individuals with any business prospects, etc.

I visited a shopping centre in my country early this year on an island. If you go there to buy something, you won't encounter the product's owner because various agencies welcome you as you enter the market.
When they find out what you're looking for, they either bring it to you or take you to the store where you may buy it.

They fully represent the owner of the product as if it's theirs, you would make payment to them, and after finishing the transaction, they give money to the owner of the product and take their commission. This is how even professional agents or brokers do.

You can start a business without financial capital if you are interested in being an agent or broker. Or any business that requires your knowledge, such as carpentry, motor mechanics, painting, electrician, etc.

What you only need are marketing skills to get clients. You would also require public relations skills. To know how to communicate with people and develop a good character.

Those who have built houses and hired a builder can testify that it's a nightmare working with those guys, very unprofessional and unreasonable. The same applies to motor mechanics the majority of these handyman people are a nightmare to work with.

They are very unprofessional, lack respect, they don't respect time, agreements, and appointments. You agree to meet the next day at 10 am, but they don't show up. If they are to show up they will come 2 hours later. You try to call, but they don't pick up or the phone is answered by the spouse who is busy scouting for a possible home breaker and not professional.

A business will succeed by showing professionalism such as communication, punctuality, availability, follow-ups, and persistence.
If you want to grow your business, be professional, and mind your language.

Avoid using slang language when negotiating with your client.
Don't use words like "dear" or "love"
This will take away a professional approach.

Imagine during negotiations you are calling your client dear, now you are pursuing payment and you say when should I expect payment and the client says, I currently don't have your money "dear", would you have the guts to change your tone? , just don't behave in a way that will reduce your powers in a deal.
In conclusion, be professional and never become personal.

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