The Matrix's No Longer Fun...


Hillary Clinton is quite the character... She’s probably the only person who’s had so many friends "commit suicide" that it’s beyond obvious they didn’t actually kill themselves—they were just inconvenient for this bitch.

She tried to become president of the U.S. at one point, and despite the vote-rigging they did, she still didn’t get into office. The same thing’s gonna happen with Kamala Harris. I’m sure Donald Trump will get elected, and I’m also sure the war in Ukraine will end once Trump’s back in.

Speaking of the war in Ukraine, I saw some news today on Twitter saying that two high-ranking Ukrainian military officials were caught with $6 million in cash recently... Taxpayer money, no doubt. And the worst part? Innocent people are dying on both sides of a war that shouldn’t even exist, while these bastards are making a fortune off it.

But back to Hillary—what she said recently in an interview is pretty wild. Well, not to me, ‘cause I know what to expect from her, but some of you might be surprised.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saturday that social media companies must moderate content on their platforms or else “we lose total control.” Total control of what? They’ve already gained so much control over us in the past few years... What else is left to lose?

If you pay attention to what the media has become and the little trust people still have in it, you’ll realize its days are numbered. Social media, especially platforms like Twitter, are allowing true freedom of speech, and they hate that.

In 2020, if social media hadn’t banned Trump and censored "COVID facts," he’d still be in office. And many who got vaccinated wouldn’t have. People need to be informed because, as George Carlin said, half of the people on this planet are dumb, and the other half is even dumber than we think.

The media is called "the fourth estate" for a reason—it shapes minds and narratives. And yet, most people still watch TV... Even the barber I went to today had his TV on.

Crypto was supposed to be our hedge against the tyrannical forces in charge of governments worldwide, but that’s no longer the case. Exchanges are rushing to delist privacy coins like Monero and Zcash. Even USDT is at risk of being delisted from Coinbase in Europe. They’re scared of losing control.

And companies like Tether will comply, just like Binance did. It’s hard to fight the windmills. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least try to push back against the system. That’s what I’ve been doing for about four years now by being almost all-in on crypto and not holding much cash. In fact, I hardly keep anything in my bank account.

I’ve got one, but I’ll be closing it soon ‘cause it’s useless at this point. I’m doing what I can to sidestep the system’s Orwellian measures and intentions. Let’s see how it goes...

Thanks for your attention,

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