Power Hungry Bastards

"We will, of course, win, despite the $61 billion blood dollars that will mostly be sucked up by America's insatiable military-industrial complex. Strength and truth are behind us."
-Russia Foreign Minister issues statement following United States $61 billion funding package for Ukraine

War is more devastating than cancer in my view, and those perpetuating conflicts worldwide are as harmful as sugar is to cancer cells. I adamantly oppose and reject the notion of war in any form because there are always alternative paths to resolving conflicts.

Ukraine is unlikely to emerge victorious in this war, regardless of the financial support it receives from the US. At best, the US may succeed in weakening Russia's military prowess, albeit at the tragic cost of human lives. However, Ukraine will never triumph in this conflict. Similarly, Palestine will never be the same once Israel ceases its campaign of killing and destruction there.

The intricacies of these conflicts elude us, but had you asked me several years ago whether large-scale wars would persist in the modern era, I would have deemed it impossible. It seemed as though humanity had attained a level of consciousness and spiritual growth that precluded engagement in warfare. I was mistaken.


America is mortgaging the future of its citizens' children to finance an exorbitantly costly war in Ukraine, while also neglecting support for Israel and Taiwan. We appear to be embroiled in a global conflict where the opposing sides are clearly delineated, yet the geographical scope of destruction remains confined, unlike the widespread devastation witnessed in WWI and WWII.

The sole beneficiaries of these conflicts are the weapons manufacturers and the investors who hold stakes in such companies. Beyond them, there are no victors. The intended purpose of the war in Ukraine was ostensibly to weaken Russia, but it appears to have had the opposite effect.

Russia is expected to grow 3.2% in 2024, the IMF said in its latest World Economic Outlook published Tuesday. This exceeds the forecast growth rates for the world’s most advanced economies, including the U.S. This news will be rough for Western nations who were hoping that Russia would suffer following its invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia’s economic growth will prove an inspiration for nations eying to join the BRICS economic bloc and grow as Russia expects to in 2024.

What does it signify that the US, and likely the EU, will need to escalate military assistance to effectively weaken Russia? Both entities are shooting themselves in the foot with their egocentric decision to support and incite this war, compounded by the sanctions levied against Russia.

The imposition of commodity sanctions has merely driven up oil prices, exacerbating the financial strain on ordinary citizens without ameliorating the dire situation of the Ukraine conflict. Conversely, the US's aggressive stance and the weaponization of the dollar are bolstering BRICS, with 40 new prospective members seeking affiliation.

The recent threat by the United States to sanction Pakistan over a proposed gas pipeline from Iran underscores the weaponization of the dollar. While this strategy has thus far yielded gains, the emergence of alternative economies will erode the dollar's strength, rendering its weaponization futile as "enemy states" could easily transact in alternative digital currencies, circumventing US hegemony.

However, in the event of Trump's reelection, the only lingering conflict may be between Israel and Muslim states. Financial aid to Ukraine would likely cease, resulting in territorial losses. BlackRock stands to profit handsomely from the reconstruction efforts, ushering in a semblance of normalcy amid the aftermath. A looming recession may materialize once the fog dissipates, but for now, revel in the bull market and remember to secure profits.

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