AskLeo - What Would You Do With $1 Billion?

It's been a while since I've done an #askleo post, the kind of content that usually sparks some decent engagement. I want to close out this rather gloomy month of September in the crypto world with this type of content.

Elon Musk has been quite active on Twitter lately, and I understand why. The man is revamping Twitter and needs to promote the new features coming to the social media platform. After all, he bought the business and wants to see it thrive. Elon is worth a staggering 245.6 billion USD, which means he can pretty much buy anything he desires with that kind of money.

I understand that he doesn't own that amount in cash, but having a quarter trillion dollars in wealth is truly something remarkable. I've always dreamed of becoming wealthy, but now I'm starting to question if I even want to be rich anymore. In some ways, it no longer seems to make sense.

However, I found myself pondering today, what would I do if I suddenly had $1 billion dropped into my lap? Not like earning $1 billion over time, but magically receiving such a massive sum of money.


There are countless things one could do with $1 billion, but if you start chasing luxury items, you'll burn through that amount in no time. I'm not a fan of extravagance. Sure, I'd indulge in a few cars that I love, but I wouldn't splurge on jewelry, extravagant mansions, or the like.

I'd definitely invest in some BTC, DOGE, and HIVE, but I wouldn't go overboard with cryptocurrency. I'm not exactly a HODLer. At the moment, I may not have the means to donate money, but I've always dreamt of helping out those in need if I were ever rich enough.

During my better days, I've occasionally given money to those less fortunate, and if I woke up with a billion dollars in my pocket, I'd certainly assist some individuals around me.

Then there's this intriguing concept called Liberland, essentially a DAO (if I'm not mistaken), located somewhere in Croatia. It's a self-sustaining community founded on DAO principles, employs cryptocurrencies (most likely BTC) as their currency, and operates independently of external governance systems.

If you've known me for a while, you're probably aware of my disdain for current governments and their authoritarian policies. If possible, I'd certainly allocate a substantial portion of that "imaginary billion" to create such a community. If completely circumventing existing laws proves impossible, I'd strive for a community that operates on the fringes of these laws.

I don't anticipate any wealthy individuals flocking to join such a community, so I'd dedicate my time, effort, and resources to gather people living in impoverished conditions but who are willing to work towards a better life and participate in a self-sustaining community. Teaching someone to fish, as they say, is often more valuable than simply providing them with a meal.

Many individuals currently living in dire circumstances would undoubtedly welcome the opportunity to be part of a community capable of self-sufficiency. Technology has made it feasible for such communities to thrive. We have solar panels that can generate electricity in remote areas, Starlink internet coverage across the globe, advanced water drilling methods, agricultural technology, and so much more.

I'm not sure how many such communities I could establish with a few hundred million dollars, but I'd certainly do my best. After all, you never know when your time will come, so what's the point of amassing vast wealth?

I'm not against a life of luxury, but at some point, you must share your wealth with others. I suppose that's what makes us human. Even animals can occasionally be seen sharing food or shelter with others, yet humans have become increasingly self-centered over the years.

The subject of this post may seem a bit childlike for someone my age, but sometimes adulthood becomes overly serious and mundane. Now, I'm curious, what would you do if you suddenly found yourself in possession of $1 billion in a relatively short amount of time?

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