March 1st Movement Hive Power Up Day

Today is March 1st Movement. It is also #HivePUD day. This is the 3 #HPUD day in a row falling on a holiday in Korea.

March 1st Movement

I'll keep this brief, March 1st Movement is a Korean National Holiday. Koreans also call it Sam-Il (3-1) Movement and it is when Koreans protested and resisted Japanese occupation, demanding independence. It happened on March 1st, 1919 which was shortly after the death of Emperor Gojong. Koreans read out the Korean Declaration of Independence in Seoul. After this is when a clear and organized resistance movement started. Korea didn't actually get independence until August 15th, 1948 around 3 years after the end of WW2 in the Pacific.

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Speaking of national movements, here is a picture I took of a field and blue sky. I took the liberty of adding some photoshop effects to get the bright blue and yellow. I also adjusted it to the official 3:2 ratio. #SlavaUkraini


It's been exactly 1 month since my February HPUD Post. Last time I said:

"Maybe I can double it to around 300 though. Let's see."

Well, it looks like I'm at 311 HP now. I powered up about 28 HP today to get there. I doubt I can double it again, but maybe I can finally be a minnow again next month. I'm not sure the exact amount needed so let's go with 500HP.

Anyway for those who don't know about HPUD, read about it here.

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Less Ice than last time, but I'm surprised there is still ice today, the past week was rarely below zero and got quite warm in the afternoons. Very soon I'll see early signs of spring.

Only 150 HP, what Happened?

TL;DR: I only blog 2x per week and I sent 100 $HIVE to Binance.

The reason I only blog 2X per week is that I'm busy. My wife just had a kid, I have a full-time job, and I have quite a few hobbies. I could easily get the content to blog daily, but basically, I don't want to and I have other ways to get money.

The reason I sent 100 $HIVE to Binance is that I think taking profit is important. It helps motivate me, and it allows me to diversify my investments. Hive is an investment and I find it hard to take people who are all-in on any investment seriously.

Don't worry, I bought other cryptos with my $HIVE. I'll explain what it is later once it gets a little past early Beta, I think it is perfect for the #LeoFinance crowd (and could work on #Hive.

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Here we can see a small flock of Bean Geese and 2 Water Deer or Gorani, sorry the quality isn't great. The best camera is the one you have available.

My February Blogs

I wrote exactly 8 blogs in February on a sufficiently diverse range of topics. My favourite was about A Visit to the Creepy Crawly Reptile Museum. I also wrote about VR.AR Golf, a bike ride, a review of Edward Snowden's book, a picturesque valley, My newest NFT, my son and about HPUD.

As I mentioned, I achieved my goal of roughly doubling my HP and I even managed to take out a decent profit. Although hardly life-changing, I think earning 250 $HIVE in a month is great.

My initial hope was to make about 50 per week, so I'm more than content. And as any Hive veteran knows, the more HP the more curation rewards. And the more active and interesting, quality content, the more followers and votes ;)

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Without a zoom lens and with everything being the same colours, these shy fellows are so difficult to see. I was intentionally trying to find something interesting, so I guess I did alright by those standards. They were so damn close to the road, too. Sadly, I didn't bring my good camera, Never Again!

My March Plan

I'll probably be writing 2 blogs per week. I still have a lot of great photos saved up because of my year-long break and my habit of going on a lot of excursions and little trips. I'll try to mix up past and present and diverse topics. Mostly, I'll focus on Korea, photography, STEM, IT, family and life as usual.

Next week there is a Korean election so maybe I'll write about that. However, I think I'd prefer to write about it after the results. I'm also tempted to write about Ukraine, but I do like to shy away from current events and politics. It's not that I'm indifferent or uninterested. Actually, I have friends and relatives in Ukraine, Russia, and Korea. It's more that I don't really want to blog about it.

The last note is I want to blog about crypto. There is a de-fi fund and a crypto fund management that I'm going to get more involved and invested in. I'm not sure if either will be ready in March, but let's see. I'm excited.

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Here is what the water deer look like without any zoon. That fence was only about 2m from me. The area they are in is some field used for agriculture research not too far from my house. Unfortunately, it may be turned into a public 'science' park. I'd rather they keep it off-limits because the wildlife will leave. But real estate speculation rules.

I've been trying to distance myself from Hive politics or writing too much about Hive. I find there are far better people and resources for those who need to learn. I'll still try and do HPUD every month. However, I've got to admit, it's not the most interesting topic for me.

Thank you to everyone who supports me and thanks for reading my Hive Power-Up Day blog.

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