Financial education and crypto for the family

Financial education and crypto for the family

Our families must manage the same three resources that companies have: the physical resource (building, vehicle, machinery, furniture, etc.), the human resource (personnel) and the financial resource (money). Thousands of families have seen the advantages of crypto-assets being part of the last mentioned resource. Why is this important and what advantages does it bring?



We already know that the crypto world is a reality and is booming. Not only is there the cryptocurrency market, but also NFTs, games, among others. The adoption process that more commercial establishments are having makes this topic more and more common. Why leave our beloved family behind with something so important?

In the past, parents would give a small amount in coins or bills for their children to spend, manage or place in their piggy bank next to their camera, do you remember them? This custom has only one name: education. Would you send your partner to buy something important, specific, with concrete characteristics, and that has no returnable character if he/she brings it home and it doesn't work for what you need? Hardly. Again, it takes something: education. It is a responsibility to educate our family in this regard.

Our partner is one of the first people who should know about the world we live in. It is a challenge to try to explain the first few times a candlestick chart of a currency to another person, or perhaps to justify why we want to optimize our NFTs by injecting capital, but it must be done in order to find the support needed to manage the family's financial resources. The term "investment" should be handled together, understand the importance and the risks - why take them alone?

And this should not necessarily be seen as a deprivation, but as a way to ensure projects, for example, a trip, the acquisition of some good or service in the future. And who knows, it is possible that the bond between the two of you will be strengthened, since it is known that doing things together strengthens the relationship. Both will enjoy the fruit of their investment, and if, on the contrary, it turned out to be a bad decision, they will have each other's shoulder to cry on, and not a finger pointing at them, which doesn't help at all.

Children should also be educated in this regard. In school they sometimes ask: "What does your father do for a living? What does your mother do for a living? " Our children can already answer: "My father is a trader", "My mother is an investor " How does that sound? It's not futuristic at all. Today our children can answer like that, but they need to be given information, of course, as far as they are able to assimilate it.

As in the piggy bank example earlier, the child can be encouraged to save and invest. Seeing that his or her parents are constantly putting something aside so that in the long run he (or she) will have an education fund, for example, will make him or her feel worthy and cared for. Plus, that's something he or she can then put into practice in his or her own family, as an investor. And who knows if some of this capital, which is already getting fat. Having responsible children with money is an advantage, not only for those at home, but also for the neighbors and society in general.

Be that as it may, security is something fundamental for this to work. For example, can they use their devices safely on the street to pay for goods and services? Do they know what precautions to take, both on their equipment and where it is? How about storing passwords in a safe place? Do they know where you keep yours? Some have understood this in a time of illness or medical emergency. Having them have access to them can be very helpful if we are limited in some way. It's like having a vehicle at home, but only one person knows how to drive it. If for some reason you get sick and can't use it, it's like having no car at home at all. And who will be hurt the most?



It is very advantageous for our family to know why we handle cryptoassets, how we do it and the safe way to trade with them. Good education on this subject will not only make them better able to cope in this advanced society, but they will also be able to make better provisions for the future and seek the collective advantage. It's business to have a cryptofamily!


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Images: Are my own, taken with my Canon EOS Rebel t3i camera
Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site

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