Nexokê Contest - Week 8 | Nutshell (Alice in Chains Cover) by @tfranzini

This is the first time I'm participating on the Nexokê Contest. Hopefully many more to come!

Hello Nexo community! This is my entry to the Week 8 of Nexokê Contest. Since this is the very first time I'm participating on this contest, I'm not sure I got everything right so any and all feedback is very much appreciated.

The song

For this one, I chose the song Nutshell, by the grunge band Alice in Chains. I'm huge fan of the band and this is one of my favourite songs by them ever since I watched their great MTV Unplugged! Nutshell is the song that opens that concert and I really loved the way they did it live. You can see it here if you want to see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, I really love this song and it's one of the few songs by Alice in Chains that I think I can do an average job as a singer. And I do mean average! I'm not a great singer, plus Layne Staley vocals are very HARD to mimic but I gave my best shot!

The gear

To record this cover, I used my custom shop Tele style guitar, which is one of my favorite guitars that I own! I thought about using an acousting to record this but my acoustic is broken at the moment and I haven't had the time to get it fixed.

I plugged the guitar directly into my Orange Tiny Terror amp which I also love! It's not exactly the best amp for clean sounds but I think I was able to get a decent tune out of it.

I recorded it using my phone, which is not great but for now is the best I can do! I'm saving up to get a good recording microphone and an audio interface to increase the quality of my recordings but that will have to wait a little.


So this is it! My very first entry to Nexokê and I hope to do it every week from now on if I have the time, which is not always easy!

I hope you have enjoyed it and please feel free to provide any feedback on the song itself or on the format of the post!

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