New Year, New Deck! Fun Standard Brew

Good day and Happy New Year magic nerds! I honestly have not kept up with the standard sets, but I do always find a card or 2 I like. Today I brewed up a deck I've tried to make work MANY of times in MANY of ways. With the addition of a little card called Helping Hand, I was able to round out the powerful jank of my standard dreams. Welcome to Animate Tits!

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I started brewing around TITiania before cosmic rebrirth came out, I've been messing with a few versions/color combos ever since. I have had some cool jank decks, but it was never very consistant with the meld. This changed today with a fresh brew on TTTS!

The idea is to mill yourself, then animate Titania with the land Argoth in play. If Tits can make it to your upkeep, the meld is game-winning more often then not. Cosmic Rebirth gave us access to an instant speed animate, and now Helping Hand gives us access to a 1 mana animate. Helping hand also plays friendly with Founding the Third Path, adding another spell to get extra value off of verse 1 while also being a target for verse 3. This is quite good IMO, and worth a brew attempt!

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To get the Mills rolling we play my favorite little selfmill package in standard. Blanchwood Prowler and Fallaji, both 2 mana bodies that mill AND replace themself on thier ETB. They both have an ETB that could read as "Look at the top 3 cards of your library, put up to 1 (card) into your hand and the rest into your graveyard". Both under rated cards that; A) Are a creature B) Mill youself, and C) Fix your hand.

We play some interactive 3 mana creatures that we can also animate, and a spicy 1-of Faithbound Judge. It's a strong 3 mana blocker, but it's 7 mana cast from the graveyard ability is the reason. After Titania melds you get alot of land... this is a cute way to close out some games.

Anyways, I'm having a blast with this deck. It's the most smooth running TITS deck I've brewed yet, and im not done tinkering!

Holler at your boy if you think I've missed some cards that would slap in this brew, Cheers!

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