[Eng-Esp] CCC Contest # 3.06. What are you doing with ...? and announcement of the winner. / Concurso CCC # 3.06. Que haces con ...? y anuncio del ganador.


Announcement of the winner.

This week I will give 1 prizes of 0.500 HIVE to one of the participants who wins.

There were 8 entries.
Thanks to all who have come with their entries to the contest, welcome everyone.

The winner is as follows:


Winner #1 @maeugenia. Wins 0.500 hive.

Anuncio del ganador.
Esta semana daré un premio de 0.500 hive, a un participante ganador.

Son 8 entradas.

Gracias a todos los que han venido con sus entradas al concurso, bienvenidos.

Solo publicaré la entrada del ganador. Muchas gracias por participar.

Felicitaciones a todos los participantes al concurso!

Único ganador #1 @maeugenia. gana 0.500 hive.


I inform you that the contest is being published in its place of origin. It is my decision to move it and I look forward to seeing you. Thank you very much for joining me in the contest all this time.

Les informo que el concurso está siendo publicado en su lugar de origen. Es mi decisión trasladarlo y espero verlos. Muchas gracias por acompañarme en el concurso todo este tiempo.



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