Pick a MOVIE for me to watch!

Hey everyone,

So recently I bought a new TV to go hand in hand with my Xbox Series X.
The TV I had previously just wasn't pulling out the graphics I really wanted for my games & movies.
(720p TV I've had for 6 years)
Why would I buy the new Xbox if I haven't got the TV to go along with it when it's used on a daily basis? 😶


As I've said in my introduction post, I am a Movie Fanatic like almost everyone here!

I'm looking for people to give me some #filmrecommendations!

I don't necessarily or unnecessarily mean the mainstream movies, I want some movies that may have fallen below the radar or have gathered dust over the years that you feel never got the pedestal they really deserved!

I'll choose an example,


now, this is without a doubbbtttttt one of the greatest films ever created in my opinion.

For anyone who hasn't seen it boy are you missing out
#BIG #TIME !!!

[SPOILERS but nothing major or wasn't seen in the trailers...]


Created my none other than our lord & saviour

  • Mel Gibson
    (Passion of the Christ reference, also a film I have never seen, but I have seen the South Park episode...)

It tells the story of Jaguar Paw 🐆 🐾
A hunter who resides in a small quiet settlement of gatherers & foragers. We meet each character of his family and we learn about life during this classic civilization.
But quickly their settlement is attacked & plundered by a raiding party from the outside Mayan Empire. He and his fellow hunters are taken and brought back to the city.

They are brought back to the city where they witness a civilization they never knew existed, they are in complete awe as they are guided through the masses of people who have gathered here to witness them be executed.

For what reason I can't quite remember, but what I do remember is that they praise the Sun ☀️ as their God and they may believe that the Sun God wishes for blood to be spilt, possibly as a gift to appease the sun to keep shining & for their crops to continue to grow a good harvest/fish to swim in their seas/healthy strong children to be born, etc.

Basically anything to keep their whole society & world from being destroyed my this mysterious thing that beams down from the sky from destroying everything! 🌝🔪


But it soon takes a drastic turn when the sun unexpectedly goes away and turns into an Eclipse which confuses the Mayans and throws everything into a complete frenzy!
(Think a volcano erupted at the same time from what I remember?) 🌋😱

Jaguar escapes along with what's left of his brood to try and make it back home, but not without the Mayans Elite band of soldiers taking pursuit in hunting and tracking him down...


But what they soon discover is this is Jaguar Paws forest, and he knows the land like no other...
He will make these outsiders wish they never messed with this small harmless family group of hunters & gatherers.



Anything you think worthy of watching please post in the comments below!


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