War and Historical Drama in Movies!


From the beginning of humanity "War" has been an issue that accompanied us on the path of it in different ways. At the literary level since the time of ancient Greece until now this issue has been taken and taken to an epic level, often Romanticised, where the figure of the Savior and Exemplary Hero appears.

This romantic message has served to create in the minds of many people an idea that war is something good and necessary. Be part of the triumph, obviously nobody wants to be part of the defeats, like a sublime, strong, dynamic moral character, is usually what this type of stories and writings.

With the completion of World War II, many governments understood that they could use the seventh art as propaganda to get desired goals. Apart from always showing how the winners who bring progress and well-being the people oppressed by the tyrants, they managed to capture the recruitment volunteers of young people led to form ranks in the armies that were and will be at war, under the concept of becoming a hero and Help national patriotism.

Many countries achieved this end. However, the one who has done it at the most scale, considering that Hollywood's propaganda level is of great size of global scope.

For many years we have seen, in a great majority, the epic of the participation of armies in the war and of the benefactor that has been for the country attacked free of the oppression of the bad guys. Usually the atrocities are banalized to the loser side and this of course glorifies the triumphant side.

Although many attempts have been made to deny the glorious side of the war or at least show the dark side of it was not but in the 1980s that was possible to break with this FAFE that had the war films .

In that decade a director, Oliver Stone, embodied in a couple of films the reality of the war conflicts and the consequence that the soldiers who participated in it would bring.


Platoon, known as a platoon in Ibero-America, is a US war film released in 1986, and is based on Vietnam's conflict. It was written and directed by the aforementioned director and starred by the Willem Dafoe actors, Charlie Sheen and Tom Berenger.

The second film by this director was Born on the Fourt of July, known as Born on July 4 throughout Hispanoamérica, an American film of 1989, and starring the then actor Revelation Tom Cruise, accompanied by Willem Dafoe, Kyra Sedgwick, Raymond J. Barry, Jerry Levine, Frank Whaley and Caroline Kava in the main papers.

Both films marked a milestone in the anti-war movement born in the 60's mainly in the United States and booming worldwide. In both he was the other side of the war coming down from the pedestal of the epic and leading the spectators to the real mud of it.

It is a strong shock for those who thought of heroism and patriotism that was usually sold in other war films. In fact, It created a controversy who took many participants in this style of films-complaints to be persecuted and often imprisoned for his vision on this subject.

In spite of all the threats and actions that some governments carried out against this type of films, the anti-war movement takes a boom that has managed to minimize propaganda in favor of war and created a conscious thought about it. It is not that there have been no more wars thanks to this, in fact that they have been created more, but there is a margin of consciousness in a good number of members of the various societies worldwide.

Both films manage to mark a great milestone and became a classic, not only in the anti-war genre, but generally within the world-level cinema. There are many films in this genre but it is not until the late 1990s that a film that can be called as the most realistic and retailer within anti-war films emerges.


Saving Private Ryan, with its different names in Hispanoamérica rescued Soldier Ryan, looking for soldier Ryan, saving Soldier Ryan, among others, is an American anti-war film released in 1998 and set in the invasion of Normandy during the Second World War. He had the master's degree from Steven Spielberg and a script created by Robert Rodat, was starring the excellent actor Tom Hanks and accompanied by a series of actor NOVELS or short trajectory in the seventh art that is considered cinema as what They are: Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Barry Pepper, Vin Diesel, Giovanni Ribisi, Adam Goldberg and Jeremy Davies.

I consider that most of you know the film and that I should not say more than is based on the search for an American soldier who is lost in enemy territory after the invasion of Normandy. The mission of looking for it, rescuing it or something similar, is generated by the loss of the rest of the brothers in the world conflict on several war fronts.

Spielberg shows with this scene that actually does not exist a good side and a bad one. May everything revolve depending on the thoughts and ideals that are possessed and in the update with the globalization of the media in what they say. Iraq, Libya, among others are example of them.

The war is not something epic, romantic, glorious or patriotic. The badness of evil depends on where you are. For the Americans, the Russians and Chinese are the bad ones. For the Russians the gringos are the bad, the same for the Chinese. For the English the Irish are the worst. For the Iranians, the Arabs are the bad ones. So on your own. It is depending on those who consider bad depending on the circumstances.

Definitely more is what can be with the war that is gained. History has proven it. And if you read something opposite, it is because it is usually part of the phrase the winners are what the story tells and it is evident that nobody made the story to lose.

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