Review, my opinion and teaching about the spectacular Oshin serie.

Review, my opinion and teaching about the spectacular Oshin serie.

Greetings hive friends and this dear community, today I want to share with you a very special review about a series that I have liked a lot since I saw it in my childhood, I mean Oshin. This series stands out for its high level of teaching and personal motivation. In addition to the review I will tell you interesting facts and my opinions about this fantastic work. Well, without further delay, we begin this interesting topic.



The story of this series is set in ancient Japan in the times of the Meiji era. We will follow the life and work of a woman named Oshin, we will see how she has to face great difficulties in her busy life and above all she shows us how to overcome adversity without giving up. It has a wide catalog of 297 episodes and each one lasts approximately 14 minutes, each one is full of challenges which oshin must find a way to solve. The 297 chapters go very quickly and once you finish watching it I can assure you that you will be left with the desire to see much more, you will also have an immense teaching that you can apply in your day to day life.

This series began broadcasting in 1983, it had an immense acceptance by the public so much so that it crossed language barriers, it was translated into languages such as Spanish, English with subtitles and Arabic, among many others. Today it is still alive and resists being forgotten, in many countries it is still broadcast on national television.


Oshin's story begins as a girl of just 7 years old, she lived in a town in ancient Japan in an extremely poor village. We will be able to see that at that time the oshin family could hardly eat, since they were very poor peasants and of the little they harvested in the field they had to give a very high percentage to the owner of the land since these were not theirs. These conditions made the family take a drastic decision which was to send all their children to work hard outside the home in exchange for food. Oshin was one of the unlucky ones who had to leave home to work at only 7 years old, that's where Oshin's life of hard sacrifice begins. After many misfortunes and joys we see the protagonist become a teenager, here she will have to make an effort to learn the hairdresser's trade and be able to help support the critical situation of her beloved family. We will see how Oshin is overcoming each problem and achieving more and more success until reaching the stage of meeting her future husband, this is where Oshin's life takes a turn both for better and for worse, since after getting married she will have to deal with with many difficulties and at the same time achieve much happiness.



With the passing of time, Oshin becomes an excellent businessperson who owns several stores in which she sells basic necessities for the home. In order not to give you a spoiler, I will tell you that this stage is one of the happiest for the protagonist because she begins to notice the great benefit that she has achieved with so many years of effort. At the end of this we will receive an enormous teaching that I will not tell you so as not to take away the emotion and intrigue caused by seeing this part of the program.


My opinions.

My opinions regarding this series is that I am totally fascinated by it, as I told you at the beginning of this article I have seen it since my childhood, since then I have been amazed to see that with a lot of sacrifice and effort dreams can be achieved. Every person who watches this series completely will receive a great correction in life, because sometimes we complain about the life we have without knowing that many people have a worse time and that they lack the things that we see as insignificant. As an additional point, I would like to emphasize that the quality of the story and script are simply phenomenal, since every minute of the episodes is a work of art that cannot be lost.


The representation that oshin gives of life has impacted several personalities in the world, many have his character as an example to follow to achieve dreams and goals in our lives.

Well my dear hive friends, this has been all for today, I hope you like this article and that it motivates you to start watching this fantastic and spectacular series. Thank you very much for reading my article, I wish you an excellent afternoon.

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Free images from the official page.



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