Wolfs (2024): Lone Wolves Collide At Crime Scene - PREVIEW


Wolfs (2024) is a crime thriller movie that will feature two most popular Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and George Clooney, its for this reason and probably the only reason it has been generating certain buzz around although it makes me suspicious that this is a streaming release but still a much anticipated heroes film, that has been directed by Jon Watts develop around the story of two lone wolf fixers who are given the same task. The plot describe online seems very basic, a race between the two main character who will try to outperform each other I could only imagine they are assign a task to recover or steel something??, for sure will generate some sort of confrontations and suspense between the two. Featuring a list of Hollywood actors and directed by a master of big picture, the film is been promoted as one of the most awaited movies of the year but as I mention I got my doubts. The film has already created hype and multiple streaming service were involved in a bidding war with other major studios before the production landed at Apple Studios. The presence of huge stars and an interesting plot and a large studio behind the project its only the roots of expectations been very high for this new entry in the crime thriller sub genre. The film premiered in the Venice International Film Festival and in the next few days before the streaming release we will start to see at least a few opinions come out, this two main actors are probably from very close generations and Wolfs film will probably proof us if they are still up to the task of giving us great acting and make this film at least a good watch, when ever I see big Hollywood stars working on "streaming only" movies it makes me skeptical because most of they time might represent they going down the hill in their career.


The Plot: A Story of Two Fixers "Cleaners"

You will find that every other description online refers to two solitary "fixers", I'm not sure why the movie would take the direction on calling them fixers when its obvious that the most common name for someone who clean up after others people mess, in this case a murder, its a cleaner. The title of the film most like refer to the two characters been two old in the game players who work alone, they are assign a task, get reed of a body that will latter on lead to aspects of corporate espionage, political sabotage and dealing with mafia.

The movie stars Brad Pitt and George Clooney, their characters are expected to be complex since they bring in different skills and background and different motives this in the direct case of the characters, although the on screen compatibility develop by these two actors and that has been demonstrated in previous projects points to the fact that the interaction between the two actors will be one of the key factors that will keep the audience entertain, we all know how good Brad and Clooney are so its very little what the director will guide them on this film, from the trailer I can tell the movie is going to be full of action and comedy, requiring a constant back and forward between the two so it doesn't go flat face or boring, depending on the script with this two actors I beleive that's going to be no problem at all.

The Cast and Crew

Star Power and Supporting Talent

The main focus and the leading characters of the movie are such famous film stars as Brad Pitt and George Clooney, this movie is the seventh time that the two have worked together on a film, although they are most well known for the “Ocean’s” trilogy. I think both actors have quite a the record to make once again a movie that will end up been a great watch but then again, stream only release. Pitt is a very versatile actor and has received an Oscar award for the Best Supporting Actor in the movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. ” Clooney is no less and has been both an actor and director and has a golden statue for the Best Supporting Actor in "Syriana".

Backing these Hollywood giants is a strong list of supporting cast with popular comedy and dramatic actress Amy Ryan is also included to the list who in "Gone Baby Gone" got an Academy Award nomination and in "The Office", "Bridge of Spies" she also gave a good performance. Austin Abrams who is relatively new to the world of acting is also a good addition to the cast with previous roles in "Euphoria" and "Chemical Hearts". Completing the main cast is Poorna Jagannathan an actress who has recently gained international recognition from Netflix "Never Have I Ever" and the HBO Series "The Night Of".



Behind the Camera

Behind the cameras of this film there is a lot of talent too, starting with the director Jon Watts who I personally remember him the most for the Spider Man movies and a surprisingly The Old Man from HULU, he actually skyrocket with the Spider Man movies and is consider a very well known director on Hollywood. Watts came into the mainstream with his 2015 indie thriller Cop Car and later directed the Spider Man trilogy in Marvel’s MCU, the way in which he executes huge projects yet at the same time leaving a human touch to the project has made him to be valued in the market, we might go in circles with the Spider Man movies but its his best work so far so its there where we see that human aspect although the character of Peter Parker has a lot to do with it.

While doing research about this movie production also found some other well known names online, Larkin Seiple, a talented director of photography, who recently shot such films as Going in Style, The Wall and The Commuter is part of the film too, which means that the movie will be very pleasant to the eye with a deep feel of premium production. The fact that both super starts like Pitt and Clooney are involved in helping on creating this movie as producers getting their two own production companies shows their interest in the movie beyond playing the main characters.

Themes: Individualism, Masculinity and Partnership

Before the film even comes out, I can only imagine if there are certain messages that it will reveal in the process not necessarily push or hidden but the essence of what the film is about, since the story is set for two main characters both of which are lone wolfs, people have expected to see conflicts between cooperation and competition in a society that glorifies individual achievement, don't no body care about team work, we humans are selfish by nature. According to some critics online the film might reflect the present state of professional rivalry, survive at all cost in your work environment, noting that the idea of professional cleaners being forced to work together represents the idea of society in which individuals must come together, despite the fact that they act and think like isolated beings both characters towards the end are very alike, without watching the movie I would suggest there is a past between them, either train together or are even relatives.

Some people are wondering if the movie would deal with issues on manhood and companionship, lot of testosterone flying over the place with both trying to show off who is the best and smarter, with two leading male actors popular for their attractive screen presence, I could even go as far as the film exploring themes of male stereotypical and competition that latter on would have to bend the arm and transform into cooperation, meaning that even the most successful individualism man could work with others from time to time, probably letting the audience discuss how its ok to get some help from time to time and does not change who you are.

This is just my opinion of the film based on what I have read and seen so far, I really don't see this movie anything else than an action movie trying to be funny and with no hidden intentions but we all know how sometimes the script does try to imply thing where usually movies fall flat on their face, hope this is not the case.

The movie already premier there was some hype before, now it looks like its going in a downfall of interest on sites like IMDB, this is totally normal, with the cast and behind the cameras crew its possible that this film does become a great watch. The presence of stars such as Brad Pitt and George Clooney together with the director Jon Watts has created high expectations of what is expected to be an interesting addition to the genre, its also becoming a trend that movies are not revealing much to keep ideas or characters hidden, it is the case that Wolfs has not reveal much but its also my speculation that there is no more to be reveal, its a very simple movie in my opinion, I don't see this been a disruptive or revolutionary action movie that will change the genre. The film has indeed achieved the goal of drawing the attention of the audience who love action movies with this two great super stars involve, if this movie is more than a 7/10 I for sure will consider it a success, I think I have been a bit pessimistic on this post but it has not been easy lately with some movies been way less than what they reveal on their trailer.

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