Breaking Bad: Is it really a masterpiece?

A friend of mine in high school recommended me Breaking Bad(2015). I remember how highly he spoke about the transition of Walter white to Heisenberg and how amazed he was by almost all the characters in the series.
No doubt, it amazed me too and hooked me up till the climax.

The portrayal of Walter white by Bryan Cranston is absolutely stunning. A beauty to behold at . There could not have been a better Jessy pinkman than Aaron paul. Their onscreen chemistry is marvellous to bing at.
I believe it is-

“ The Godfather in the space of web series “

Thanks to Heisenberg for his iconic one-liners:

“Say my name!”

“I am not in danger, I am the danger”

Thanks to Gus Fringe and Tuco Salamanka for adding spanish vocab in my dictionary:

“LOS POLLOS HERMANOS” --> “The Chicken Brothers”

“Vamos” --> “Lets go”

“Tortuga” —> “A tortoise”

Speaking of my all time favourite villains: # -😱😨

Tucko Salamanka-

Aggressive and violent: Tucko is notorious for his explosive temper and extreme violence. He gets angry very quickly and often reacts with brutality, making him a terrifying figure in the criminal world.

Tucko’s behaviour is highly erratic which makes him dangerous and unpredictable. He can shift from being seemingly calm to violently aggressive in a matter of seconds

He is a heavy user of Meth, which exacerbates his already unstable personality. His drug use fuels his paranoia and aggression.

Guss Fring-

He is one of the most complex and intriguing figures in the series.

He projects unnervingly calm demeanour (except few instances). He rarely shows emotion even in high stress situations, in constrast to other villains in series.

He always thinks several steps ahead. His intelligence and meticulous planning makes him a formidable opponent in both business and drug trade. Made “Los Polos Harmanos” popular even outside the screen.

Gus maintains double personalities, presenting himself as friendly and charitable businessman while secretly running a vast drug empire.

His desire for revenge particularly against the cartel for the death of his partner Max, drives many of his actions.

Let’s cut to the chase

So, why is it a masterpiece:

In brief: It’d set a benchmark for the following-

1) Complex character development

2) Intricate plotting

3) Cinematography and visual styles

4) Moral Ambiguity

5) Exceptional writing and Dialogues

7) Acting performances

8) Cultural impact

9) Satisfying conclusion

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