Working in blockchain industry sometimes feels like living as engineer on Snowpiercer


a) There are those kinds of people that have no access to diverse literature or they have and don’t care because the system has either polished them in the right direction or their employment hamster wheel has weakened them so much they wish to be rescued by Mr. Wilford one day.

b) Some -not engineers- are highly convinced they are the better engineers and that they could do a far better job than those engineers running the train. They are critical about everything, they have a hard time to work together with even their closest people around, but they don’t give up and they will be likely among the first to expose Mr. Wilford on the train as a myth.

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c) Doing your job day in day out these people are predestined for hospitality, they have convinced themselves of the importance of their work, they are loyal. They tend to pretty up their fiat bubble, they felt great appreciation for the engineers at the beginning but have become disillusioned with the many disappointments and trust breaches. They understand that the engineers cannot be ignored, but their technical practical knowledge (or in some cases entrepreneurial street-smartness) will always be in contradiction to the purity of their own status.

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d) Many parents will have advised their children against moving into this field/profession. People in this Snowpiercer archetype have a very special sense, it is more than just a special view on the world or the perception of a certain aura. They are masters of their craft, but the question is whether they won't end up on the chopping block.

Sometimes it can be quite helpful to step out of one's own world for a bit to better reflect on things. Maybe you have some more points in mind, and you would like to share them in the comments. Anyway, I hope my list will inspire and give you wings for some meta-perspectives.

All the best
Yours Alex

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pictures' source: trailer season 2

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