(ENG/SPA) Rebel Moon Curse of Forgiveness THE SNYDER CUT Review



The director's cuts are of great added value for showing us as close as possible the true creative purity of the artist who executed the project, work and story, there are several director's cuts that have not yet seen the light and hopefully someday they will, while I invite you to enjoy the real potential in the imagination of Zack Snyder.

In this Review with Spoilers of Rebel Moon Part 2 Curse of Forgiveness Zack Snyder's cut that you can see on Netflix, is the continuation of this story that we have yet to know its last part I comment that if something has Snyder is visual power, is his mind in all its splendor what we see in his works and this film has a Snyder moment that left me amazed in front of the PC.

It is very Titanomachy or at least that reminds me of that scene Snyder in all its power and brilliance, I see majesty, I see power, I see a solemn being that fades into the sublime and its threat of anger forged in revenge is what leaves us in this chapter to impose itself in the last part of this trilogy, only with that already earned my ticket in the front row for when part three is released.

The film continues to maintain what I consider a serious plot error which is the fact of how a weak community can pose a fight to the best of an empire, the inspiration of this film in Star Wars is noticeable, it is so much that it brings its mistakes like the one that happens in Star Wars episode six and at the written level does not convince me at all but this does not mean that the film is not powerful in what is simmering thanks to the Snyder moment, this director's cut meets only that scene because it is Snyder at its best.

In the video you will hear my excitement to the fullest about what I saw of this director's cut and that you just read as the core of my opinion, I hope you are encouraged to see the movie and if you already saw it tell me what you thought, see you in an upcoming promeX Review.

Las versiones de Director son de gran valor agregado por mostrarnos lo mas cerca posible la verdadera pureza creativa del artista que ejecuto el proyecto, obra e historia, son variadas las versiones de director que aun no han visto la luz y ojala algún día lo hagan, mientras te invito a disfrutar el potencial real en la imaginación de Zack Snyder.

En esta Reseña con Spoilers de Rebel Moon Parte 2 Curse of Forgiveness corte de Zack Snyder que puedes ver en Netflix, es la continuación de esta historia que aun nos falta por conocer su última parte les comento que si algo tiene Snyder es poder visual, es su mente en todo su esplendor lo que vemos en sus obras y esta película tiene un momento Snyder que me dejo maravillado frente a la PC.

Es muy Titanomaquia o al menos a eso me recuerda esa escena Snyder en todo su poderío y brillo, veo majestuosidad, veo poder, veo un ser solemne que se desvanece en lo sublime y su amenaza de ira forjada en venganza es lo nos deja en este capitulo para imponerse en la última parte de esta trilogía, solo con eso ya se gano mi entrada en primera fila para cuando se estrene esa parte tres.

El film sigue manteniendo lo que considero un error argumental grave que es el hecho de como una comunidad débil pueda plantearle pelea a lo mejor de un imperio, se nota la inspiración de este film en Star Wars, es tanto que se trae sus errores como el que sucede en Star Wars episodio seis y a nivel escrito no me convence para nada pero esto no quiere decir que la película no sea potente en lo que va cocinando a fuego lento gracias al momento Snyder, este corte de director cumple solo con esa escena porque es Snyder en su máxima expresión.

En el video escucharan mi emoción al máximo sobre lo que vi de este corte de director y que acaban de leer como núcleo de mi opinión, espero se animen a ver la película y si ya la viste coméntame que te pareció, nos vemos en una próxima promeX Review.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



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