(ENG/SPA) Lori Grimes The Female


Lori Grimes The Female, Source of Image Edited with Paint

Lori Grimes es un personaje de The Walking Dead que considero es La Hembra de la manada, de la serie porque la historia, espectadores y Hombres giraban en torno a ella, vivían para ella, estaban para satisfacerle en todo lo que considero ella sutilmente con manipulaciones anhelaba, lo que quiere toda mujer que es protección, alguien que le diera seguridad para ella y su hijo en medio del Apocalipsis Zombi.

No la considero un personaje con un atractivo físico enorme para nada pero tiene algo mas poderoso que es un aura que atrae, obliga, domina y capta toda la atención para ella, pareciera ser nato, trato de detallar por que siento esto y no puedo encontrar un atributo físico que me lo indique, su mirada no es, pienso tal vez sean sus gestos, el como su rostro muestra preocupación, sus posiciones de manos bastante femeninas que tal vez en mi caso me dominan, ella no me gusta pero aun así quiero seguir viéndole, escuchándola y atento a todo lo que hace durante la serie.

No la veo como un personaje que vayas a querer, de hecho pienso en mi inocencia que para muchos espectadores es una hipócrita manipuladora, en mi caso la veo como una mujer que busca lo que ella no puede hacer sola, sobrevivir ya que tiene que depender totalmente de un hombre para poder avanzar y esto es desde antes de inicio del brote zombies.

Lori Grimes is a character of The Walking Dead that I consider to be The Female of the pack, of the series because the story, viewers and men revolved around her, they lived for her, they were there to satisfy her in everything that I consider she subtly with manipulations longed for, what every woman wants which is protection, someone who would give her security for her and her son in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse.

I don't consider her a character with a huge physical attractiveness at all but she has something more powerful which is an aura that attracts, compels, dominates and captures all the attention for her, it seems to be born, I try to detail why I feel this and I can't find a physical attribute that tells me, her look is not, I think maybe it's her gestures, the way her face shows concern, her rather feminine hand positions that maybe in my case dominate me, I don't like her but I still want to keep watching her, listening to her and attentive to everything she does during the series.

I don't see her as a character that you are going to love, in fact I think in my innocence that for many viewers she is a manipulative hypocrite, in my case I see her as a woman who seeks what she can't do alone, to survive since she has to depend totally on a man to be able to advance and this is from before the beginning of the zombie outbreak.



Good Mother, Source of Image

La observo como una mujer hogareña que depende totalmente de su pareja lo cual es valido pero al no tener capacidad para defenderse sola, recurre a insinuaciones que terminan domando por completo a uno de los Leones de la manada.

El inicio de la historia lo veo muy reino animal, se establecen hembras, machos y por tanto territorios donde estos últimos verán a sus mujeres como su propiedad, se nota por lo celos, el enojo y Lori observa que todo esto sucede y solo ira con aquel que supuestamente ama pero sigo viendo que su intención es protección, no me convence lo que dice de amor, tal vez en algún momento lo hubo pero eso cambió.

No me agrado su historia desenlace a pesar de que me da una muy buena escena en la que precisamente como tal no sale ella pero su final se ve absurdamente opacado por tramas basura que fueron colocadas para rellenar y no me sentí pleno, pudo haber sido sublime, luego de años de haberla visto, en mi mente no me impacto su final, estoy escribiendo esta review y no siento nada en mi ser sobre su final cosa que no sucede con el comic el cual leí luego y quede maravillado con su viñeta, en cambio con la serie quede insípido.

Es muy fácil juzgar y en el caso de Lori un punto a favor es lo buena madre que fue, nunca abandono a sus hijos y pienso hizo lo necesario por su bienestar y logró que sobrevivieran, esto no solo sucede en la serie, muchas mujeres pasan por algo así, solo que en vez de ser impactadas por un apocalipsis zombie, les impacta la sociedad y el no tener alguna herramienta llámese profesión para poder defenderse y terminan dependiendo de un hombre totalmente para sacar adelante su familia.

Lori Grimes es un personaje que se merece 8 chiquitos de 10 que goza una trama suave, conversaciones, gestos, abrazos, es en estos momentos donde el personaje llega al espectador por lo hipócrita que es al generar con su naturaleza conflictos Masculinos sobre a quien pertenece ella.

I see her as a homely woman who is totally dependent on her partner, which is valid, but not being able to defend herself alone, she resorts to insinuations that end up completely taming one of the lions of the herd.

The beginning of the story I see it very animal kingdom, females, males and therefore territories are established where the latter will see their women as their property, it is noted by the jealousy, anger and Lori notes that all this happens and only go with the one who supposedly loves but I still see that his intention is protection, I am not convinced what he says about love, maybe at some point there was but that changed.

I did not like her story outcome even though it gives me a very good scene in which precisely as such she does not come out but its ending is absurdly overshadowed by junk plots that were placed to fill and I did not feel full, it could have been sublime, after years of having seen it, in my mind I was not impacted by its ending, I am writing this review and I feel nothing in my being about its ending something that does not happen with the comic which I read later and I was amazed with its vignette, instead with the series I was left insipid.

It is very easy to judge and in the case of Lori a point in favor is how good a mother she was, she never abandoned her children and I think she did what was necessary for their welfare and made them survive, this does not only happen in the series, many women go through something like this, only that instead of being impacted by a zombie apocalypse, they are impacted by society and not having any tool called profession to defend themselves and end up depending on a man totally to move their family forward.

Lori Grimes is a character that deserves 8 kids out of 10 that enjoys a soft plot, conversations, gestures, hugs, it is in these moments where the character reaches the viewer because of how hypocritical she is by her nature generating male conflicts about who she belongs to.



She Just Want Attention, Gif of Peakd source

Inicia la Zona con Spoilers para mencionar esos aspectos del personaje que mas me agradaron y escenas que pudieron haber hecho trascender aun más el personaje entre los fans de la serie.

Lo mejor del personaje es esa aura con que domina a Shane y a Rick logrando que ambos en condición de machos alfa de la manada la vieran como su mujer, es tanto la atracción que genera en Shane que se vuelve una obsesión por ella a pesar de tener mujeres como Andrea que están físicamente mucho mas atractivas y esto indica el poder de atracción que ejerce el personaje, la capacidad de conflicto que genera entre estos dos grandes amigos encanta al espectador, es una relación odio-atención porque muchos le detestan por eso pero hace que la historia prevalezca manteniendo un hilo argumental muy atractivo cuyo centro es ella.

El personaje sufre enormemente con algo que noto a muchos agrado pero a mi me desagrado totalmente y es ese final de primera temporada lleno de explosiones en un laboratorio, de verdad me saco de la serie toda esa cantidad de fuegos artificiales innecesaria que opaca la historia, la trama es ella, la serie sube cuando Rick y Lori se encuentran bajo la mirada de enojo de Shane ya que él desea con todo su ser Rick fuera muerto para tenerla a ella completamente para él.

Ese momento en que hacen el amor Shane y ella, yo veo es un intercambio de afecto por protección, eso me dice su rostro pero a la vez con gusto lo hace y luego viene el contraste que ya mencione cuando consigue a su amor Rick, ella duda, se ve, yo lo noto pero se dice a si misma que ese es su esposo por tanto vuelve a él haciendo una de las cosas que considero mas destrozan a un hombre, más destrozan a Shane, el poco valor que le dio a todo lo que él hizo por ella, la mirada de protección que ella tenía por Shane ya no estaba, había era vergüenza, que maravilla de trama, yo disfrute mucho ver esto.

En la segunda temporada se retomo esta tranquilidad para que respirara la serie, me alegro enormemente cuando se retomo pero ya había cierto daño por esas explosiones sin sentido en el laboratorio, no puedo negar que como se manejo la segunda temporada no fue lo mejor en el aspecto Shane-Lori con esa rapada de pelo aunque comprendo que significa intensificar la obsesión pero de verdad parecía un loco, yo viéndolo así, sospecho que algo pasa con ese individuo y lo mato de una vez, no me agrado mucho y su trama casi que pasa a segundo plano por lo de Sofía, eso tampoco me agrado porque Lori pide atención.

The Spoiler Zone begins to mention those aspects of the character that I liked the most and scenes that could have made the character transcend even more among the fans of the series.

The best thing about the character is the aura with which she dominates Shane and Rick, making them both as alpha males of the pack see her as their woman, the attraction she generates in Shane is so great that he becomes obsessed with her despite having women like Andrea who are physically much more attractive and this indicates the power of attraction that the character exerts, the capacity for conflict that generates between these two great friends enchants the viewer, it is a hate-attention relationship because many hate him for that but it makes the story prevail while maintaining a very attractive plot thread whose center is her.

The character suffers greatly with something that I notice many liked but I totally disliked and that is that first season finale full of explosions in a laboratory, I really took me out of the series all that amount of unnecessary fireworks that overshadows the story, the plot is her, the series rises when Rick and Lori meet under the angry gaze of Shane as he wishes with all his being Rick was dead to have her completely for him.

That moment when they make love Shane and her, I see is an exchange of affection for protection, that tells me her face but at the same time she gladly does it and then comes the contrast I already mentioned when she gets her love Rick, she hesitates, she looks, I notice it but she tells herself that this is her husband so she goes back to him doing one of the things that I consider more destroying to a man, more destroying to Shane, the little value she gave to everything he did for her, the look of protection she had for Shane was gone, there was shame, what a wonderful plot, I really enjoyed watching this.

In the second season this tranquility was resumed to let the series breathe, I was extremely glad when it was resumed but there was already some damage from those senseless explosions in the lab, I can't deny that how the second season was handled was not the best in the Shane-Lori aspect with that hair shaving although I understand that it means to intensify the obsession but he really looked like a madman, I see him like that, I suspect that something happens with that guy and I kill him at once, I did not like him very much and his plot almost takes a back seat to Sofia, I did not like that either because Lori is asking for attention.



The Prison, Source of Image

En la cárcel se desenvuelve junto al resto de personajes en condición de embarazo con la trama queriéndola seguir a ella porque la hija que sabemos tuvo resulto no siendo de Rick, en la serie se quiere dejar un toque ambiguo pero ambiguo nada, Judith es de Shane desde el momento que supimos Lori estaba preñada, eso es un SÍ rotundo a Shane como padre de la niña manteniendo el conflicto y enriqueciendo a Rick como personaje porque él lo sabe y aun así sigue con Lori como si nada, todo por ella y su familia.

Algo que deteste enormemente en la trama de la cárcel es la cantidad de rellenos y tramas basura que ensuciaron el desenvolvimiento de mis personajes favoritos, de verdad no capto que paso por la mente de los que guían la serie, pienso esto no fuera sucedido si se fueran colocado menos episodios pero había que llenar la pantalla de episodios innecesarios que obligan a los guionistas a colocar tramas absurdas arruinando la experiencia porque la cortan, cuando quiero ver a Lori, sale otro argumento de la nada que no me interesa, de verdad me arruinaron su desenlace.

Una trama de epidemia dentro de una pandemia Zombi, suena bien pero me arruino la etapa final de Lori, ella tenía que estar en el conflicto gobernador, no morir tan antes bajo una forma patética, a manos de Carl que quiere reflejar es un niño ya maduro dentro del mundo zombie pero me aniquila un final de personaje con algo sin gusto, quede desilusionado, la primera vez que vi, no me agrado, no sentí nada, me pareció ridículo ver ese niño saliendo de la puerta luego de haber matado a su madre, lo veía y no lo creía, no tenía sentido.

Hago una nota con respeto a comic, tiempo después leí todo el comic y comprendí la esencia de a donde iba el personaje de Lori y era el dar un momento clímax en la serie, una de las mejores muertes, ver su rostro morir, todo eso me lo perdí en la serie para ver al pendejo de Carl supuestamente madurar y nunca lo hacen porque los personajes pienso a veces no tienen memoria ya que los guionistas y los que guían el show se olvidan de las lecciones que aprendieron los personajes, la muerte de Lori pienso a veces queda sin relevancia.

Independientemente de lo anterior, me quedo con el conflicto amante y esposo que genero, eso hizo que muchos incluido yo nos quedáramos en la serie, fíjense que Twd trata sobre zombies y en mis reseñas casi ni los nombro porque lo bonito de TWD es ver esos conflictos personales y uno de los mejores si no es que el mejor fue el conflicto y odio que genero Lori Grimes.

Esta es una reseña que quiero dedicar a buenos amigos creadores de contenido que son @jcrodriguez y @avdesing donde quisiera imaginaran en la miniatura sus logos y el mío donde el amante seria el muchachon JC, en el esposo estaría mi loguito y en La Hembra estaría el logo de la muchachona AVdesing y espero se rían como yo con esto que acabo de escribir y se lo hayan podido imaginar.

Dedicado todos y cada uno de mis post y videos a mi perrita llamada princesa que la llamábamos chiquito que ya no está con nosotros pero desde el cielo verá que su existencia SI fue valiosa y lo más hermoso que existirá en mi corazón y alma.

In the prison she develops along with the rest of the characters in a pregnant condition with the plot wanting to follow her because the daughter we know she had turned out not to be Rick's, the series wants to leave an ambiguous touch but ambiguous nothing, Judith is Shane's from the moment we knew Lori was pregnant, that is a resounding YES to Shane as father of the girl keeping the conflict and enriching Rick as a character because he knows it and still continues with Lori as if nothing, all for her and her family.

Something that I detested enormously in the prison plot is the amount of fillers and junk plots that messed up the development of my favorite characters, I really don't understand what went through the minds of those who guide the series, I don't think this would have happened if less episodes were placed but they had to fill the screen with unnecessary episodes that force the scriptwriters to place absurd plots ruining the experience because they cut it, when I want to see Lori, another plot comes out of nowhere that doesn't interest me, they really ruined her outcome.

An epidemic plot within a Zombie pandemic, sounds good but it ruined Lori's final stage, she had to be in the governing conflict, not to die so early under a pathetic way, at the hands of Carl who wants to reflect he is a child already mature within the zombie world but it annihilates me an end of character with something without taste, I was disappointed, the first time I saw, I did not like it, I did not feel anything, it seemed ridiculous to see that child leaving the door after having killed his mother, I saw it and did not believe it, it did not make sense.

I make a note with respect to the comic, some time later I read the whole comic and I understood the essence of where Lori's character was going and it was to give a climax moment in the series, one of the best deaths, to see her face die, all that I missed in the series to see Carl's asshole supposedly mature and they never do it because the characters I think sometimes have no memory since the scriptwriters and those who guide the show forget the lessons learned by the characters, Lori's death I think sometimes remains without relevance.

Regardless of the above, I'm left with the conflict lover and husband that generated, that made many including me stayed in the series, note that Twd is about zombies and in my reviews I almost do not name them because the beauty of TWD is to see those personal conflicts and one of the best if not the best was the conflict and hatred that generated Lori Grimes.

This is a review that I want to dedicate to good friends who are content creators @jcrodriguez and @avdesing where I would like to imagine in the thumbnail their logos and mine where the lover would be the boy JC, in the husband would be my loguito and in The Female would be the logo of the girl AVdesing and I hope they laugh like me with this I just wrote and they have been able to imagine it.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess that we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



You Will Never See Her Again Rick, Gif of Peakd source

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