Halo (the series) just had to throw gay stuff in there didn't they?

I don't care what a person's sexuality is.. I honestly don't. There is a lot of unnecessary stuff going on in movies and TV shows though and while this formerly looked like a Netflix mostly problem, it has extended to basically all the other networks as well.

In Season 2 episode 3 of Halo we are treated to a completely unnecessary homosexual display. Now before anyone out there wants to call me names let me go ahead and say that in a sci-fi action series, the inclusion of love stories of any sort in my mind are unnecessary additions to the story especially if the character in question isn't driven by that love to be involved in the story at all.

I found the brief love story between Master Chief and Makee to be equally unnecessary, and that was a man/woman thing.


I can't even find any images of the dinner that took place in the most recent episode but it takes place at the house of a relative (I think the brother?) of Riz-028, who is a Spartan. She goes over to her brother's house, and immediately it is made very clear that this is a gay household.


Look, here's the thing. I don't care that Riz' relative is blind, black, or gay... but these attributes contribute nothing to the story and have nothing to do with anything that is going on. They just threw it in there to check some sort of diversity box or to perhaps get a rise out of the online audience who mostly already hate the show if they were fans of the actual lore. Then, when they get upset, the showmakers can just call everyone homophobic. I'm not AFRAID of there being gay couples, I just don't like it when it gets thrown into literally everything on TV when it has absolutely nothing to do with the story.


There were some people out there that were complaining about Soren-066 being presented in an interracial relationship and to those people I say STFU. Interracial relationships exist, just like gay relationships exist. HOWEVER, there is a very big difference between his and her romance being included in the story compared to the gay dinner scene. His love for his wife and son is absolutely critical to what happens with all 3 of them and what motivates them. The gay dinner scene however, serves absolutely no purpose other than for some executive to fulfill the DEI checkboxes that are rumored to be a part of everything that gets made these days.

Again, I don't have a problem with gay stuff being in films and series. The Episode of The Last of Us that focused on a gay couple was my favorite episode of the entire thing... why? Because it was part of the F**king story and their relationship was critical towards their motivations and progression of the overall plot!


I still stand with what I said before though about how I think Halo is worth watching for anyone that is not going to get their panties in a bunch over the fact that the story doesn't follow the lore established by the books and video games. I have never read any of the books nor played the games so that didn't apply to me. Here is a great Reddit thread expressing the fanbase's disdain for the heterosexual love story that was introduced into the Halo series.

What are these producers thinking? Most of the fans of the game, which you would think would be their bread and butter, have already tuned out. Will this go the same way as Rings of Power where they totally alienate their entire fanbase? It certainly seems like that is the case.

I'm not going to stop watching just because of one gay dinner. Like I said, I do not care what a person's sexuality is. I just think the inclusion of this, and all of the other love stuff that is portrayed in this show except one that completely defines the motivations of the characters to press against impossible odds, are unnecessary to the story and add nothing to it.

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