| FILM REVIEW | The Piano - No spoilers, I promiss

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I hate movie reviews and yet, I like those that are far from being damn spoilers, they contribute and inspire me to go in search of that masterpiece or simply, to have a good time.

It's a love-hate relationship I have with reviews and I guess I'm not the only one. For me, it's like if someone invites you to a movie to see a film that he/she has seen for the second time or several times and thinks that since it's very good, you shouldn't miss it. But then he/she doesn't let you enjoy it because he tells you about it. He/she's there beside you to even tell you what you should be thinking or appreciating as the plot unfolds.

So, I don't want to be like that; I'd like to bring you some comments about that movie I saw and loved, and somehow encourage you to seek it out, to watch it, to do your analysis.

For my debut in Hive writing about movies, I have chosen this one that I almost know by heart: "The Piano". And I'll tell you that while I'm writing I already have here ready "The Mother", of which I've seen a lot of reviews, but I still want to make my own. Yes, that same one, the movie in which JLO (Jennifer Lopez) works.

You should know that "The Piano" was released in May 1993 in France and its director is Jane Campion, who is also a New Zealand screenwriter and film producer. Right now I don't remember if I've seen another film by her, but her work in directing has been -apparently- valued by the misogynist Hollywood decision-makers :D, as she belongs to the select club of women (there are only seven) nominated in that section. Yes, it turns out that Campion is one of the three who have finally won the Oscar. She got it with her film "The Power of the Dog", and I'll write this title down because I know I'll like it because maybe it's about a dog, I'll check it out {laughs, but I won't tell you why} Maybe it will even make me cry... :)) I cry easily with certain films {more laughs, wait, wait... it's not time for me to say anything now}. By the way, there is a scene from "The Piano" that made me cry, but I'll tell you now without telling you because this is what I like most about the art of writing about movies.

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My 15-minute test

I always say that if in 15 minutes the movie doesn't hook me, I stop watching it; however, this is not so much the case. It turns out that I also value other things, because it is not enough for a screenwriter to faithfully follow the narrative structure of three acts, with a turning point between 1 and 2 and a second turning point between 2 and 3, for it to be a good screenplay what he proposes to us. There are other issues to consider in the art of storytelling. I am talking specifically about Syd Field 's paradigm, but you should know that it was Aristotle in the fourth century BC who laid the theoretical foundations of story structure, or simply that he is the one who is recorded as a pioneer in these matters.

In "The Piano", with footage of two hours, the first twist occurs between the 13th and 15th minute and here I leave you some screenshots of the film for you to tell me later what you think about it. In that lapse the viewer can decide whether to stay or not the remaining time because we have already been shown a beautiful photography, we have a first moment of a soundtrack that delights any mortal, the work of Michael Nyman, and composed especially for this film, and also surely recognize a great actor in that cast: Harvey Keitel, in the role of George Baines, with a sober but accurate interpretation.

If you like dramas as I do, this is one you will enjoy to the fullest, and it will make you think about some of life's issues, which are exposed here, at times with subtlety, and also with a shattering sincerity.

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The photography is very careful. From the use of cold colours to close-ups of elements that are important in the development of the story and even when it reaches the climax.

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Then pay attention to these details. That's why I've selected these captures that denote that great work.

To bring you this review I watched it again, I measured its time and before the 30th minute, the deal is also closed, from which the first conflict finds some resolution, but gives way to the next one, which we will approach from some angles -let's say- peripheral, so as not to be that annoying character who tells the film while it is transcending the plot.

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Ok, the 15-minute test passed and we'd already been there for half an hour without leaving each other's side for a moment. I didn't even have time to make the popcorn.

What impresses me whenever I see it

It is an atmospheric film. The protagonist, Ada McGrath, is mute and uses her hands to communicate. But her hands are also the link with the Piano, which is the central axis of everything that will happen later.

I am impressed by how everything is so beautifully connected that it is poetic, the music, the silence, the stubbornness of the pianist, and that inner voice that from the beginning suggests a woman with the soul of a child, eager for discovery and infinite sensitivity.

I was also talking about elements that become symbols in the film. In that case, we have the hostile climate that welcomes Ada and her daughter in Maori lands, the mud, the secondary and anodyne characters that will be part of the new family of the two, the husband's axe... (don't be afraid I won't say much more) 😁

It happens to me with movies the same as with books. In a first viewing, I try to be as attentive as possible and capture the message that comes to us through the elements that make up the film piece, combined all make the great symphony, right? But something always escapes, and it is when I revisit the work that I realize the details with greater precision. These are too beautiful to miss them.

How characters evolve

It is a process that takes place as Ada finds her happiness through unexpected paths, while Sam Neill, in his flat and dull character, moves towards a state of despair that leads to that other twist of which Syd Field's paradigm speaks.

When there are only 30 minutes left in the film, as if it were a textbook, the second twist takes place, bringing us fully into the third act and making us wait anxiously, because we have already become attached to the protagonist and we recognize the excellent work of the actress Holly Hunter, who is now 65 years old and she is been an artist for 38 years.

I have to highlight the performance of that tiny Anna Paquin, only 12 years old, in the role of Flora, awarded the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Did you know that she became the second youngest actress to win an Oscar after Shirley Temple, who won it in 1934 at the age of 6?

What's really behind all the plot?

Love and intensity, passion and frenzy, which knows no obstacles. Many could even notice a certain opportunism, but I think far from that the film is about what is destined to be.

Important moments that marked me

I think the sea ... everything related to the sea in the film speaks to me, especially the part where Ada is taken to the depths of it (guess why or because of who). It is a very poetic film, I insist. Her father had told her as a child that she would only die the day she decided to stop breathing. And here, when connecting the beginning with this powerful scene just near the end, I got some tears. It doesn't have to happen to you. Each one is involved with more or less intensity with the plot according to their life story.

The piano and the state of impotence-sadness that it causes Ada not to have it is also something that deeply marked me. Perhaps because there are dreams that I have not yet managed to fulfil. But the pianist has a message for everyone and that's what you have to discover if you haven't seen the film.

So far my modest review and I hope to see you in the comments enriching this post with all your opinions of this masterful work of art, the acting, the music, or whatever comes to mind.

I warn you that now we are going to do a lot of spoilers, if the daring ones arrive at the section of the chatter. Do not sniff below if you have not had the pleasure of seeing this work of art. Run to see it and come back with your valuable opinion that we are waiting for you here.


With the exception of the image above, all the others are screenshots 
I took while I was watching the movie.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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