My favorite action movie? MAD MAX FURY ROAD!


In 1979 George Miller was to dazzle the world alongside Mel Gibson with a film set in a dystopian, apocalyptic land where survivors killed each other for resources and in which Gibson would play Max Rockatansky, MFP's top patrolman.

With only $350,000 George Miller managed to pull off this movie that became a box office success collecting at least $100,000,000 and over the years, also became a cult movie. It was obvious that there would be sequels but these did not like so much in theaters and after a third part that left being praised by critics but in turn hated by fans, the saga seemed to have come to an end.

Several years passed until 2003, when Miller and Gibson got together again but the war in Iraq did not allow them to film because the shooting was going to take place near that country, and that among other personal issues sent Mad Max to the freezer for a long time, 12 years later and with a new protagonist, came this masterpiece called:



But... what is Mad Max?

When this movie was announced almost nobody put their hand to vote in favor of it and it had all the ingredients together for a disaster: 25 years had passed since its previous installment, George Miller did not have the brightest of careers at that time, in fact he was going through a somewhat chaotic time as a director and a budget that could sin of being low with only 150 million dollars, consider that Avengers Age Of Ultron which came out the same year, had more than twice the amount of Mad Max Fury Road...

But boy were we wrong! George Miller knew how to do again what he had already done in '79 and gave us 120 minutes of pure adrenaline and emotion in a fantastic movie.

And Max Mad Fury Road?

The movie starts with a shot of Max eating a mutant lizard, then he gets into his car and begins a chase in which he is pursued by a bunch of other cars that manage to capture him, he wakes up somewhere and while the direct shows us his mental instability, There are a lot of scenes of punches and kicks in which Max tries to escape from his captors and when he is about to do so is captured again, all this happens in just 6 minutes and it is more than enough to introduce you fully into the atmosphere of the film.

Then we begin to meet the characters, first Immortan Joe who is the king of this dystopian world sending on a mission to Imperator Furiosa, the latter is the trigger for this whole story and once past this small scene of rest begin to appear the magnificent samples of the work of Miller:



The Plot.

Furiosa decided to betray Immortan Joe to save the girls he had condemned as his sex slaves with the excuse of the apocalypse, she deviates from the road and when Joe's men realize they go after her and there begins the total delirium, drums, cars so magnificently strange and so bizarre characters that it is a spectacle to behold.

How does Max get into this conflict? You could say by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the Warboys are Immortan Joe's army and Max is serving as a blood bag for Nux, one of these warriors, who ties him to his car and goes off with him in pursuit of Furiosa.


From this point everything becomes pure and hard action, shooting, explosions and a huge desert, and this is where the work of the whole team behind the film stands out, and all this argument gives to make a B movie with a questionable quality but Miller and his people make you be on the edge of your seat every second, and at the same time they keep you amazed with a masterful scenography and a masterful atmosphere, and a great soundtrack. to which is added a soundtrack that is one of the best in this movie. And after a chase of about 30 minutes, maybe more... it would seem a good break but no, we get a giant sandstorm and one of the most iconic postcards of the film.


And my opinion?

From this point on I won't go on explaining the movie so as not to ruin everything that's to come if you haven't seen it yet, so I'll start talking about my personal experience.

The first time I saw this movie I felt as if I had been given an electric shock when it ended, almost all of its footage is of wild action that does not stop, if you turn a second to another side than the screen you will surely miss a spectacular scene, and at the same time, Miller is giving a development to the characters making them interesting and giving sense to the story, everything feels very organic and that's thanks to the camera work and the little use of digital effects, maybe limited by the budget but I think that did well to the movie in general.

At times the movie teeters on the line of hilarious and exciting so it's going to depend on your suspension of disbelief whether or not you believe everything that's going on, which believe me, is a lot and then after all that, night falls and as if Zack Snyder was behind it all, the movie is bathed in a dark and mysterious shade of blue that gives way to a small moment of calm where of course, we get to know more about the story. In this part comes the only scene that made me complain and it is precisely because they do not show it, then they move forward and comes the first denouement, hope is lost and then is revived by the only character who has no hope, Max. This is not only a bestial action movie, it also has interesting characters that evolve with it, like Max himself or Nux.

My favorite scene on the movie - Source

Hope is a mistake... If you can't fix what's broken, you got insane.

A phrase with a lot of weight and that will prepare the film for a final where everything is put on the grill, but everything ... each extra could be the protagonist of a movie of its own, the guy who plays the guitar in full persecution is magnificent, the soundtrack is more and more giant in the film and we see a scene of redemption very good, to give an exceptional ending to this film.


And the Awards?

If you go to Google and look for the awards of this movie you will see that this opinion I have is shared by a lot of people, 9 Oscar nominations of which won 6, the most awarded of that year and that's saying a lot, George Miller did a spectacular job in a pure action movie and quality, for me is a 10/10 insured, I loved the work of Hardy and Charlize Theron and the rest of the cast was very high, giving a special mention to Nicholas Hoult. If you haven't seen Mad Max I recommend you to go see it right now because it is the best action movie you will ever see in your life.


Leave me your opinion in the comments, did you like this movie? would you change anything? is there any other movie that for you is as good or better? hope to read you! thanks for taking the time to read my review, see you in the next one!

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