Ghost Doctor - A Fun to Watch Series with Many Twists & Mysteries

We are living in a global village, things have changed exponentially during the last two decades.

I remember my father saying, while sitting with him and he was chatting with his elder brother during my early teens (1984 or 85), "World will soon be turned into a global village", and here we are.

Among many categories, this is also true for the entertainment field, most specifically, movies and tv shows.

During my childhood, teenage and even in my twenties only movies and tv shows that were available in my country other than local ones were mostly of Hollywood's and of two or three neighboring countries. Keep in mind, those were available only on video cassettes, so even those were not for everyone. (Only Hollywood movies were available in the cinemas and a couple of HW tv shows on the national television channel, no choice though, whatever they decided to air)

Internet has changed everything, a true modern day wonder.

Very rich to very poor, almost everyone owns a mobile phone now a days. Even free internet, offered by the mobile phone communication companies, now and then.

You can get all kind of stuff online. Many of them are available for free (legally available free stuff; best tv shows of my country are available to watch for free on Youtube and on the official sites of the tv channels) and those are not... can be ordered online, also even some of the best ones are not too expensive.

This freedom of accessibility is a gift from heaven for the lovers (me, me, me...) of movies and tv shows who admire good performance wherever it is being performed around the globe.

I have watched several movies and tv shows from different countries in different languages with English subtitles during the last five years or so, "Ghost Doctor" is the most recently watched one.

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If you have watched and liked "Good Doctor" and "House M.D.", you might like this one as well.

What makes this tv show a little more exciting and different than the above mentioned shows are mysteries and many twists in the events throughout the series.

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Ghost Doctor has many flavors and colors. What you can expect to watch?

  • Lives of the doctors in a hospital,
  • What happens with the patients who are in coma,
  • Doctors' sacrifices, their dedication,
  • Mystery, Suspense, Uncertainty,
  • Conspiracy against one of the business tycoons of the country,
  • Supernatural,
  • Perfectionism, Professionalism, Morals, Deep Work Environment Care, Work Ethics, Work Politics,
  • Rivalry, Romance, Bromance, Friendship and different forms and colors of it, Comedy, et cetera, et cetera.

What actually happens with the patients when they are in the coma state? Do their conscious exist in any other dimension or they move to another world?

Many people have many questions about the coma patients and several movies and series have also been created on this topic, Ghost Doctor covers it, too.

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In Ghost Doctor's world, coma patients become the ghosts, but the temporary ones, who can go to a certain distance from their physical body. While permanent ghosts can possess the body of whomever they want, coma ghosts can not.

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Dr. Cha is the genius doctor in the hospital, best one of the country. He gets himself in a car accident and becomes a coma ghost. For some reason he can possess the body of Dr. Ko, but of only Dr. Ko's.

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First time he possess the body of Dr. Ko was to operate on himself after the accident. This starts a chain of interesting events where Dr. Ko and Dr. Cha help several patients in critical conditions with impossible operations while dealing with the administration and workspace politics, as well. It is fun to watch them make plans for different situations and how they deal with them as a team. Sometimes, you might not even anticipate what is going to happen next, and that's one of the best parts of the script.

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Dr. Ko is also a brilliant person but his excellence only lies in the theory. When it comes to practical skills, he is even way below an average doctor. Why? That's another mystery... and, a logical one too. It is also exciting to watch him becoming from "zero to hero" in practical skills, as well.

They both have conflicts with each other but appreciate each others' good qualities as well. The main rule they both follow is to do good and help out the patients in the critical conditions, and this creates lot of exciting situations throughout the series.

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This series also have many finest comedy scenes with exhilarating lines. One of my favorite ones were of Chief Ban's with Dr. Ko.

Chief Ban: Me? Operate on Professor Cha? Dr. Ko, why are you doing this to me?
Dr. Ko: Thank you helping me with Seung Jo's surgery.
Chief Ban: What?
Dr. Ko: You knew you'd be in trouble, but you were courageous enough to help my patient. After that - we've been in the same boat.
Chief Ban: The same boat? I never wanted to get in that boat.
Dr. Ko: And once Professor Cha wakes up, you'll be in the same boat.
Chief Ban: Can't I get off that boat? I easily get seasick.
Dr. Ko moves his head in NO smiling.
Chief Ban: Please? huh.

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I know, it is not creating much effect or making much sense here, but it is hilarious when watching them performing it. You know - the way of the speaking the dialogues, facial expressions, the context and everything of the scene.

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Not that the operation theater scenes in Ghost Doctor were not pumping the adrenaline, and if this is your first medical drama show you are watching, you might not even feel it not real, but, honestly, I have watched much better operating processes scenes in some of the Hollywood Medical Dramas which are felt more near to the reality.

This is not about the performances, those are almost on top of the world.

Let me explain it a little bit. For example, in heart operations, it doesn't feel 100% original heart, may be 95%.

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This is not true for all of the operation theater or otherwise scenes, though, many are quite excellent and compelling.

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As the final thoughts...

Ghost Doctor, no doubt, is a show worth watching and time well spent, in terms of good entertainment.

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