“The Edge of Darkness” - A CinemaBun, Film Suggestion

Hello and hope you’re doing great!!

Let’s start the year with a thriller film suggestion.

And what a Thriller:

“The Edge of Darkness”

Has you can see, it stars Mel Gibson who plays a retired cop. I must say, Mel seems to only be in top quality films. And this one, is quite something.

The Vibe of the film:

It has a mystery, corporate corruption, detective, political thriller vibe to it. It has a slower pace than usual, in your mainstream thrillers. It has a bit of an European rhythm to it. And in fact, it's a re-make of a British Tv show (that I haven't seen)

In case you don't want to read anymore, here is a video I did, recommending this film.

First time I saw it I did not know who the director is. But now I do, as such: It's Directed by Martin Campbell, he did "Goldeneye" and "Casino Royal" two awesome Bond films. Casino has a big fan base. Some people also don't love it. However, Goldeneye I think it should get just as much love. It's less dry/ realistic than Casino, but honestly I think it's one of the best 007's out there. I still remember watching it in the theatre. That opening scene with the jumping... and that villainess... If you saw that film as a young boy, that female villain is hard to forget. And mainly these two Bonds where the first ones of the "new era". He was given the keys to set the tone for the Bond films, not once but twice and he nailed it. He's done more things like the British "Edge of Darkness", Those couple Zorro films with Antonio Banderas... That could be worst... and some other stuff.

But let me clear, this film is nothing like James Bond. Nothing. It's way more cerebral. Way more "serious" ... much more of a slow burner...

And it's great. It has some clear and direct things to say about society and corruption, about mega companies... A lot is said in this tale of a common man, trying to do justice in a way to corrupt world. There is a bit of David and Golias in there as well.

The mood is great, the characters are very interesting, the story just keeps you hooked. Acting is great. Well executed.

What is it about: Minor spoilers for the first minutes ahead.

Mel Gibson plays a ex policeman, who gets visited by his daughter. Whom he loves but has not been in touch much, as of late. The daughter gets murdered right in front of him, in his home. And this leads him on a quest to find out why, and who did it? Sounds simple, but it's also a complex script. Just don't want to give more details, for those who want to see it.

This is it. Have you seen it? Are you going to see it? what do you think?

As always, thank you for reading.

Images (except CinemaBun logo) from Imdb.com and from the watermarked heyuguys.com

(Sorry need to figure out, how to get those nice "source" text/links

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