House of Gucci - must-see or failure of the year


A week ago was the premiere of one of the most anticipated films of the year, namely the story of the famous Italian Gucci family, which is among the best in the fashion industry. Expectations for the film were high. Maybe because of the large cast of star actors, and maybe because of the interest in the family and its history. Before that, I knew almost nothing about the creation of the fashion empire, the difficulties they had or the fatal end. But like everyone, I knew very well who Gucci was and their place in world fashion. Is there a woman who does not dream of a bag from a Gucci boutique :)

The rating of the film in IMDB is 7, which is not bad at all. The initial reactions after the screening are quite different. Some people pour a lot of negatives on the screening, while others are in love with it. I definitely liked the film, I became interested in reading the book and learning more about the family. I realized how little we know about people who have achieved so much, about the brands we talk about every day and everyone more or less dreams of being touched with it. I recommend anyone who has not watched the film to do so.


The reaction of the Gucci family
Aldo Gucci has been the company's CEO for more than 30 years. His successors did not approve of the film at all and criticized it. According to them, the film is an insult to the whole family. They issued an official statement:

"The film's production did not want to contact and consult with the heirs before portraying Aldo Gucci and members of the Gucci family as criminals who are ignorant and heartless to the world around them."
"Gucci is a family that respects the work of its predecessors, whose memory does not deserve to be tarnished in order to create a spectacle that is false and does not tell the true story."

On the one hand, everyone in their place will not feel comfortable. In the film, we saw that the family history was not so clear, and yet one of the members was in prison for tax evasion. On the other hand, it made me wonder if there was no particle of truth after all, and if other things hadn't happened that hadn't come to light. There is no way to be sure which of the two sides is right ...

Tom Ford
Tom Ford's opinion is also interesting, as he is one of the most significant figures in the history of the brand at the end of the last century. He is generally negative. He believes that some scenes were superfluous, there are inaccuracies in the presentation of the story and after the film he felt "sad for a few days".


Ford also believes that Paolo Gucci's character is not accurately recreated and comic moments were unnecessary in this otherwise tragic story. My opinion on these scenes is contradictory. It is true that in such a dramatic story it is difficult to find something funny, but it is precisely these moments that make you take your mind off the tragedy for a moment and laugh.
Undoubtedly, Ford cannot deny one thing and that is acting.

Undoubtedly, the acting in the film is phenomenal. Gathered in one project so many stars do not interfere, but on the contrary - create a wonderful symbiosis.
We can't miss Lady Gaga. This woman is a unique singer, but the game in the cinema is not worse. I am almost convinced that she will receive an Oscar nomination, and why not win it.


She plays Patrizia Reggiani, the ex-wife of Maurizio Gucci. The love and attitude to the role is seen in every frame - with every line, with every movement of the body, with every gesture. In many scenes, the expressions on Lady Gaga's face say more than enough about what her character is feeling at the moment, without needing to say more.


Adam Driver (Maurizio Gucci) performs no worse than Gaga. He really impresses with his skills and the transformation he makes during the film from a shy boy to a real Gucci.

The images of Aldo (Al Pacino) and Rodolfo (Jeremy Irons)
they connect us with the beginning of Gucci. They are an image of the aesthetics and the power that the brand has created out of nothing. They are a symbol of the empire. The scenes with Paolo Gucci (Jared Leto) further tie the knot and entangle the family's history.

Duration of the film
The duration of the film is 2 hours and 38 minutes. A large part of the audience criticizes the projection for being too long, filling scenes have been added, and many key moments have not been added. I have a different opinion and I think that the duration is normal for everything that the director shows. Yes, of course, there are moments that are important, but we do not find them. But think about it ... this tragic story, several decades long, containing so many key moments and twists ... is it possible to be presented in full in one film, be it 5 hours or more.


We must not forget the fact that the film is based on the book of the same name. Definitely after the movie I am extremely motivated to read it. I think that's where we'll learn the details and the whole story of Gucci. From the very beginning to the building of an empire, the difficulties of power and greed and a fatal murder.




In conclusion, I would say that it is no coincidence that today no one from the Gucci family is involved in any way in the fashion business created by the family.

I deliberately did not tell details of the story to those who have not yet watched. Despite the conflicting opinions, I personally liked the film and recommend it. There is much to learn from it. It remains to be seen how many prizes it will win ...

From the link below you can watch the trailer of the movie and find out what awaits you. It's unique and even if you don't want to watch the movie, you'll think about it after the trailer.

House of Gucci - Trailer (2021)

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