See How They Run (Review - No Spoilers)

Last night I went to see a film that I knew nothing about, I'd never heard of it, saw a trailer, or even an ad on YouTube. Which, upon leaving the Cinema I was shocked that it didn't have any advertising whatsoever, as far as I was concerned.


The Film
The film is called See How They Run, I have to say, if you haven't heard of the film I would highly recommend going to see it, especially if you like Who Done It's, with a very large dose of comedy. The film takes itself seriously but is a movie that will keep you glued to the screen and simultaneously bursting with laughter.

I really, really, don't want to go into any spoilers for the film as it would ruin it for anyone unlucky enough to read this post before going to the cinema and watching this Gem.

I hadn't been to the cinema in a while and the original plan was to go in and see Jaws 3D which is playing at the moment in the Omni-plex not far from my hometown. But, I'm so glad the plan changed and we went to see this film instead.

The plot of the story revolves around a play by Agatha Christy called Mouse Trap. After someone is involved in the film adaptation of this play, is murdered. Inspector Stoppard (Sam Rockwell) is on the case. He is aided by Constable Stalker, played by (Saoirse Ronan) who by the way, is so funny in this film. I can't remember anything I've seen her in before, but, her comedic timing is impeccable in this and had us laughing out loud multiple times throughout this rollercoaster of twists and turns.

The Rough Plot, With No Spoilers
In true Who Done It fashion. Multiple suspects have a motive, which leaves you scratching your head saying, "I think it's them.... oh, wait, I change my mind. I think it's that person now." Which I said more than a few times.

If you're bored and can't think of anything good to go and see, I think this is the film for you. Head out and see it, then come back and let me know what you thought of it. I think I'm almost lucky I didn't know anything about this before going in, as having low or no expectations whatsoever, is the best way to experience anything. As you'll rarely be disappointed.

The Cast
The actors in this film really carried the entire story, each one of them was unique and funny in their own right and was able to share the scenes equally rather than any one person completely stealing a scene, which can tend to happen in some films.

Comedy usually comes down to the performance of actors, the dialog was very well written too. Attention must be paid to this movie, as I caught so many jokes, quips, and other funny moments, that seemed to go past so quickly that looking away for a second would almost certainly leave much of the comedy to go right over your head.

Director Tom George, who I didn't recognise from any other films or tv shows did a fantastic job of getting great performances out of the actors, while also, ensuring that the film was fast-paced enough that an audience wouldn't get bored, the dialog is sharp, well written and full to the brim with a keen wit.

Go See It
I came out of this film with a smile on my face and a mind full of praise for everyone involved, I don't think there was a single person who let the film down. The humor was right up my street and I'd consider going to see it again before it leaves the cinema, should I get a chance.

Thanks for reading and I hope that if this post finds you, you might be curious enough to go and check this one out.

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