I Went To See Furiosa Today

What a day, what a wonderful day!

I've been looking forward to checking out the new Furiosa film for a weeks now, ever since hearing about it releasing. A few plans went a wry over the past few weeks, and we couldn't make it down. Today, however, we managed to get to the cinema.


The 2 o'clock Showing

The movie came in at a whopping, 2:30 film, and there were three showings today, 2, 5, and 8.

8 was kind of out of the question for us, because we were thinking of times, and the fact we'd get out of there about 10:30, then have to walk home and all, it would be close to 11/ 11:15 by time we got in.

It wouldn't be fair on Kaleb either, as we could potentially disturb his sleep, so we decided against it. The 2 showing it was.

We decided to get some food before going in - which took ages to get made, and we ended up missing that showing, so then we hung around the shopping centre with Aimee's parents and Kaleb, and then after a while they headed off and me and Aimee continued to kill some time.

The 5 showing was find though, and meant we weren't in there too late, but we did basically waste our entire day off, of which, we don't get many together anymore.

The Film

Upon our arrival, and purchasing our tickets the machine started acting funny, and the staff had to come over and sort it out.

It just needed some new paper added to it.

The move was really good, and it's a decent story, has some great actors, and characters. Chris Hemsworth playing Dementas was really cool, and well done.

The cast were all great, and as well as that, the action scenes were brilliant.

There weren't all that many action scenes, unlike Fury Road, but the ones that are there are very good, and keep your attention.

Some scenes in particular tend to show the action from far away, and it uses that space to tell the story from young Furiosa's point of view, and that comes across well in the film and feels as though that's what the filmmakers were trying to do.

Talking of using distance in the film, there's a scene near the end that very much reminded me of a scene in The Road Warrior, where Mad Max, and the Pilot are both staring at an assault being carried out by raiders, as they watch through a telescope. Scenes like that kind of give this eerie, almost voyeuristic feeling, and helps to make us feeling uncomfortable.

The Mad Max Sag

More Like This?

I'd love to see more films, and stories coming out set in this world. it's Interesting, and there are plenty more tales to tell in the wasteland.

This film shines a light on some of the main antagonists, or warlords, from the Fury Road movie, which is cool, but in a way, it's good, because rather than going into detail about their backstory, they're just here, being characters in this world.

I would like to see them leave the Fury Road, however, and show us some more factions, and some more areas outside of Gastown, The Bullet Farm, and The Citedel.

If they want to produce more films of this nature, I think the next one will have to be completely separate from this particular area, and show us something entirely new, and potentially different.

Sometimes it's important to show that a fictional world is wider than an ocean, and deeper than a puddle. It's an interesting world, and I'm sure with a bit of creative thought, George Miller and the rest of the team will be able to give us something really cool.

Furiosa is a great character, and deserved this story about her tragic life before Fury Road, and now that it's done, I think it's time to introduce us to some more people who call the wasteland home.

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