Friday Night Movie Review - Sharknado

Hello everyone,
Before I start, I would like to ask you all a question. Have you ever been hurt for asking about a movie? And I don’t mean she said no and it felt bad kinda away, broke your heart. I meant physically where you felt the pain. And that is for just asking about the movie.

So I asked my wife if she wanted to watch the movie with me. And the reply came flying in the shape of carrot and hit me hard on the head. I mean how bad it can be. This is Sharknado.

SPOILER – I have nothing to say. The movie title says it all. :-)

The movie starts with swarms of CGI sharks swimming away from the waterspout. And the graphic was so impressive it made me nostalgic. It reminded me of the Windows XP screensaver. The movie knows what it is and is boldly standing up for it. Intense buildups are for lame movies. To be honest, I haven’t seen the film and this is my first viewing and after watching the first 20secs of the movie my hopes and expectations sank to hell from where these CGI sharks came from.


For the next scene, I paused and changed the setting for powers saver as the brightness went down. Stupid power saver mode. I realized it wasn’t the power saver that made my screen dark It was the movie. And nope it wasn’t a night scene it was just the way they edited it. I went on to watch the movie which showed a trawler hunting sharks, cutting off the Fins of the caught CGI sharks and showed a business deal going down. More like a deal negotiation. Now, me being from a corporate world knows very well that it is not every day that a deal is being negotiated midway the project. This movie takes the meaning of On-site to a new level as the deal is happening on a trawler. That's when I thought if I start paying attention to the details, I will be a long 5200 seconds. So the tornado hits the trawler there were sharks flying around taking bites of the captain of the boat as if they were taking revenge.

And we are back to the shore, Ahhhh!!! The brightness almost blinded me. Let me adjust my screen again.

So the movie shows some bikini butts surfing, Some getting tanned, doing stuff that people usually do at the beach. That's where they introduced us to the lead character who is a champion surfer and also the dumbest person. He saw the victim number getting attacked by a shark and he yelled “Get out of the water.” to her once and that is it. He does nothing. The girl gets munched on by the sharks when 1000 of sharks. Swarmed the shore that moment he started alerting everyone. Apparently, the sharks now have developed the ability to swim in the ankle-deep waters.

The leads buddy was attacked and then came running Nova, Assitant to our Champion surfer. Played by another bikini bottom. The fun thing is she really digs our champion and he is trying to keep things professional between them, her reaction to finding out about him being married and with two kids.

Anyway, The storm hits the beach hard and flooding the beach area with CGI water. And with that came the CGI sharks. Chomping on the pedestrians and attacking the school bus, you know the usual. Amidst the chaos, our champion decided to go and rescue his wife and daughter who later accompanies him in rescuing his son. The 3 tornado picks up the speed and our survivalist group decided to blow the tornado with explosives. And that's the movie folk.

After watching it I understood why there are 6 of these. You ordered Sharknado and you get Sharknado. A movie featuring bad dialogues like

Surfer dude’s sidekick: Storm's dying down.
Nova: How can you tell?
Surfer dude’s sidekick: Not as many sharks flying around.


Nova: We're gonna need a bigger chopper.

A movie with bad acting really the champs son looks like he is on a drug or something. And the CGI is the worst. Nope!!! I think lighting is the Worst. But when compared to other films from the same grade it has its place somewhere. And it has gained a cult following because of that.

I don’t understand why many hate this movie. I found that after watching this movie I know more about the sharks. Like if the storm crosses the wind speed of 75mph (120Kmph) its referred to as a hurricane. And sharks used to be called ‘sea dogs’. And no these are not the facts from the movie. These are facts that I researched. You see, during the viewing, after every 15-20 mins, I would pause the movie and go online to read something that would add to my knowledge. Apart from that, this movie has nothing more to offer.
The Wikipedia page classifies this film as disaster horror comedy science-fiction films. And I concur "disaster" indeed.

I am @inuke.
Any sane person would swim away from any of these movies. But you all know me. ;-)


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