Idiot or Smart?

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If having a mental age that of a 2-year-old is the basis of being called an idiot, then "I am an idiot," because once in my life I had been a toddler. A child who was once filled with dreams like the main characters in the movie, 3 Idiots.

Whenever I'm asked about my favorite movie, this is always number one on my list because it depicts the reality of life we live in from all angles.

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Aamir Khan's character, Rancho, had to live under the name of an affluent happy-go-lucky guy just to get himself to the college of engineering, in a certain university, to attain a degree for that brat, not a degree for himself. His character had to do it because his family was financially struggling. However, his love for education had overpowered his shortcoming.

I could relate to that part of the movie because I also had to work in order to send myself to college. I also came from a family that was not financially blessed. But despite that, I didn't let hurdles block my way to achieving my dream.

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Dreams are not only those that manifest whilst we sleep, but they are also achieved while we are awake.

Like Rancho in the movie who dreamed of being educated, we should also not stop dreaming. Because even the most impossible dream can be achieved, as long as you persevere and keep the passion within burning.

I remembered papa Edwin once told me, "Dream with your eyes open, for it will come true. Don't dream with your eyes closed because it's only fiction."

From then on, whenever I think of what I want to be in the future, I always keep my eyes open, while aiming for my target. That's what we call the Law of Attraction.


As Rancho said, "Pursue excellence, success will chase you."

Success is personal. It is not always what people see: it is something the doer only sees and feels.

Success is not always seen in the material things one possesses; success may be a small one, but it definitely has a great impact on the person who strived hard in order to achieve it.

Rancho's perspective on education and success was always laughed at by Chatur. However, at the end of the story, Rancho as Phungsuk Wangdu ended up becoming the most sought-after inventor because of his perspective, while Chatur ended up chasing Rancho.

If Rancho is considered an idiot by the people looking down on him, then I'd rather be an idiot than not to have a dream at all. =)

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