Skins: Reseña de los personajes. [ESP-ENG]


¡Hola, chicos y chicas!

Hoy les hablaré de Skins, un drama adolescente llevado a cabo en Inglaterra (2007). Éste consta de 7 temporadas y de tres generaciones. Cuando hablo de “generaciones”, me refiero a los protagonistas de esta, ya que, cada dos temporadas estos cambian al igual que las historias, por lo que, la generación 1 se desarrolla en la primera y la segunda temporada; la segunda generación, en la tercera y cuarta; y la generación número tres, en la quinta y sexta. La séptima y última, es como un homenaje y/o despedida, ya que nos narra la vida adulta de tres personajes muy queridos de las generaciones anteriores.

Fuente de la imagen

Entrando en el tema importante, empezaré hablando de la primera generación de adolescentes, la cual está compuesta por Tony, Sid, Michelle, Cassie, Chris, Jal, Maxxie y Anwar, también hay otros dos personajes que son Effy (hermana de tony) y Lucy que es un personaje que aparece en la segunda temporada.

1. Tony.

Fuente de la imagen.

Tony Stonem, era el chico lindo y popular de la serie. Tenia ciertas cualidades como su inteligencia y carisma, las cuales aprovechaba para manipular a su entorno, en especial a su mejor amigo y su novia (de la cual hablare más adelante). Su mejor amigo (Sid) era como su sombra y lo consideraba un ejemplo a seguir, debido a que Tony era un excelente alumno y parecía tener una vida perfecta. Con respecto a la personalidad de éste, según mi criterio era un chico egocéntrico y egoísta, pero que se preocupaba por los que quería y por su futuro. A lo largo de las dos temporadas, podemos odiar y amar a este personaje, pues vemos como madura a medida que le suceden cosas importantes que le dan un giro a su vida. Las infidelidades, rivalidades, venganzas y hasta un accidente el cual le deja graves secuelas físicas y mentales son algunos de los sucesos que te harán tener opiniones encontradas con respecto a que emoción sentir; llegará un punto en el que pensarás que merecía todo lo malo, pero el mismo personaje se encargará de que sientas compasión de él.

2. Sid.

Fuente de la imagen

Sídney Jenkins, a diferencia de su mejor amigo (Tony), era un chico introvertido y con serios problemas de autoestima, los cuales eran consecuencia de la falta de atención y afecto por parte de sus padres; su padre lo menospreciaba y lo comparaba con Tony todo el tiempo, recalcándole que era un inútil y que por ello jamás llegaría a ser alguien importante. Claramente los comentarios hirientes del padre marcaron a Sid y por ende siempre se sintió así. Algunos de sus amigos también se encargaron de menospreciarlo en ocasiones, en especial Tony el cual lo manipulaba y pisoteaba constantemente. Sid, era un chico noble, leal y a mi parecer buen amigo; siempre estuvo para Tony, incluso cuando no debía estarlo. La separación de sus padres, una relación tóxica (con Cassie) y los múltiples problemas personales y en la escuela hacen de Sid un chico más seguro de sí mismo. Uno de mis personajes favoritos por mucho.

3. Michelle.

Fuente de la imagen

Michelle Richardson era la chica linda deseada por todos en la escuela. Era la novia de Tony y tenía una mejor amiga (Jal); a Tony lo amaba, a pesar de ser consciente de que no era reciproco. Vivía con su madre y con su padrastro, el cual estaba por encima de ella siempre. Su principal interés era vestir siempre bien y servir las necesidades de Tony. A pesar de ser hermosa, ser muy inteligente y mostrarse segura de si misma, tenia baja autoestima y dependía emocionalmente de Tony, pues fue manipulada, engañada y humillada por él en varias ocasiones. Michelle cometió muchos errores en el afán de encontrar alguien que la amara y la viera como su mundo, pero a pesar de todo eso y gracias a su mejor pudo darse cuenta del valor que tenía como mujer. Un personaje con el que me identifiqué y sentí mucha empatía debido a mis relaciones pasadas.

4. Cassie.

Fuente de la imagen

Cassandra Ainsworth, era la novia de Sid y gran amiga de Michell. Era una chica con unos padres artistas, pero que no ponían la atención debida en ella, lo cual es importante recalcar, ya que Cassie tenía Anorexía Nerviosa, un trastorno alimenticio que la mantuvo un largo tiempo internada. Siempre estuvo pendiente a lucir delgada para sentirse hermosa, nunca estuvo de acuerdo con su figura, la cual la hacía sentir insegura y poco deseable. Se enamoró de Sid, el cual al principio no le correspondía igual y por ello, cometió muchos errores que casi le cuestan la vida. Su relación se llevó a cabo y parecía ir por buen camino hasta que tuvieron que mantenerla a distancia por un tiempo, Sid, estaba confundido y a pesar de que quería a Cassie, siempre estuvo enamorado de Michelle (detalle que Cassie siempre tuvo presente), y por ello la traiciona. A partir de ahí, Cassie cae en un estado de desespero que la estuvo lleva a consumir excesivamente sustancias psicoactivas e incluso desarrolla una promiscuidad extrema. La muerte de personas importantes, el rechazo, la traición por parte de Michelle, los múltiples problemas psicológicos y la infidelidad por parte de Sid, hacen de Cassie el personaje con mayor influencia en la serie.

5. Chris.


Chris Miles, era un chico extrovertido, amante de los peces, buen amigo y por ello muy querido por todos. Era el novio de Jal y el mejor amigo de Cassie. Tengo muchas cosas que decir sobre él, pero empezaré hablando de todo lo que lo rodea. Chris vivía con su madre, la cual no le prestaba atención y llega a un punto en el que lo abandona; según se puede entender, ésta no sabe lidiar con los problemas de su hijo y por ello toma esta decisión. Aunque Chris no se muestra del todo preocupado por la situación podemos ver el lado mas humano y que nos muestra la otra cara del personaje, pues al principio de la serie percibimos a Chris como un drogadicto amante de las fiestas y de las píldoras. Pero, pese a los acontecimientos que lo rodean, nos damos cuenta el porqué de su actitud. En ese preciso momento del abandono, nos damos cuenta que Chris no cuenta con el apoyo de nadie, ya que perdió a la persona mas importante de su vida (su hermano mayor) debido a una enfermedad hereditaria y su padre no quiere saber nada él. Al perder su hogar e invertir mal su dinero, Chris queda en la calle y tan solo cuenta con el apoyo de sus amigos y de su profesora de psicología (Angie), de la cual estuvo enamorado y con la que tuvo una aventura. Al entender que lo de su profesora y el no tiene que ser, se enamora de Jal y tienen una relación que deja un hijo (no nacido) de por medio. Debo decir que es mi personaje favorito por mucho, te hace sentir emociones fuertes y hasta llorar, porque al principio puede que lo juzgues, pero al final te compadeces de el por todo lo que le sucedió y te das cuenta que realmente no lo merecía. Chris muere en los brazos de Cassie.

6. Jal.

Fuente de la imagen

Jal Fazer, era la mejor amiga de Michell y novia de Chris. Era una talentosa clarinetista, que tenia por padre a un productor musical y unos hermanos aficionados cantautores. Jal, era una chica que como a los demás le gustaba divertirse, pero aún así estaba enfocada en ser la mejor clarinetista para obtener una beca y poder estudiar en la universidad que quería. Siempre estuvo al pendiente de sus amigas (Cassie y Michelle) y nunca estuvo de acuerdo con las actitudes de Tony y Sid respectivamente. Tuvo una relación con Chris y fue un gran apoyo para el a lo largo de ella, tanto emocional como económicamente; debido a la muerte de Chris Jal (la cual estaba embarazada) decide abortar al no tener otra opción, pues si Chris a su lado solo quedaba ella y sus sueños. Jal nunca contó con su madre (nunca estuvo para ella) y tuvo que soportar las constantes burlas de sus hermanos y al principio desplantes de su padre por hacer lo que le gustaba, pero, como era de esperarse obtuvo la beca que tanto anhelaba y pudo estudiar fuera de la ciudad.

7. Maxxie y Anwar

Fuente de la imagen

Hablare de Maxxie y Anwar en este apartado porque eran básicamente inseparables y por ello, no tienen episodios separados. Empezando por Maxxie, era un chico abiertamente homosexual, muy alegre, sensible, leal, buen amigo y un brillante artista. Su mayor sueño era llegar muy lejos con el baile a pesar de que su padre no lo quisiera. Tuvo muchos problemas por su orientación sexual; fue discriminado, humillado y acosado. Anwar era su mejor amigo, este era musulmán, pero no muy devoto de ésta debido a que hacía caso omiso a sus creencias, al consumir sustancias, andar en fiestas, tener sexo antes del matrimonio e incluso consumir carne de cerdo. Había algo muy curioso en todo esto de la religión, porque Anwar consideraba que la homosexualidad iba en contra de su religión y por ello, a pesar de que su mejor amigo era abiertamente homosexual, sus padres no lo sabían y tampoco era capaz de comentárselos por el temor a que lo obligaran a terminar su amistad con Maxxie. Debido a esto, Maxxie se siente discriminado por Anwar y su amistad casi tiende de un hilo por ello, Maxxie sentía que su amigo se avergonzaba de el y por eso no que sus padres lo supieras, pero, a pesar de esa diferencia Anwar y Maxxie siguieron inseparables. Con respecto a relaciones sentimentales, Maxxie, tuvo un encuentro sexual con Tony, cuando éste quería experimentar con un hombre. Anwar, por su parte tuvo una relación con Lucy, una chica que acosaba a Maxxie y que hacia todo lo posible para que éste le prestara atención; tanta era su obsesión que accedió a vestirse como hombre para gustarle y como no tuvo oportunidad, conquistó a su mejor amigo para poder estar cerca de el. Lucy es un personaje interesante, que está tan obsesionado con Maxxie, que lleva a Anwar a lucir como el solo por complacerla, lo cual, no tardan en descubrir.

Hasta aquí la reseña. Muchas gracias por leer.


Hey guys and girls!

Today I will tell you about Skins, a teenage drama set in England (2007). This consists of 7 seasons and three generations. When I talk about "generations", I mean the protagonists of this one, since every two seasons they change just like the stories, therefore, generation 1 takes place in the first and second seasons; the second generation, in the third and fourth; and generation number three, in the fifth and sixth. The seventh and last, is like a tribute and / or farewell, since it tells us the adult life of three very beloved characters of previous generations.

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Entering the important topic, I will start by talking about the first generation of adolescents, which is composed of Tony, Sid, Michelle, Cassie, Chris, Jal, Maxxie and Anwar, there are also two others characters that are Effy (tony's sister) and Lucy who is a character that appears in the second season.

1. Tony.

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Tony Stonem, was the cute and popular boy on the show. He had certain qualities such as his intelligence and charisma, which he took advantage of to manipulate his environment, especially his best friend and his girlfriend (which I will talk about later). His best friend (Sid) was like his shadow and considered him an example to follow, because Tony was an excellent student and seemed to have a perfect life. Regarding his personality, in my opinion he was a self-centered and selfish boy, but he cared about those he loved and about his future. Throughout the two seasons, we can hate and love this character, as we see how he matures as important things happen to him that turn his life around. Infidelities, rivalries, revenge and even an accident which leaves serious physical and mental consequences are some of the events that will make you have conflicting opinions regarding what emotion to feel; There will come a point where you will think that he deserved everything bad, but the same character will see to it that you feel compassion for him.

2. Sid.

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Sydney Jenkins, unlike his best friend (Tony), was an introverted boy with serious self-esteem problems, which were a consequence of the lack of attention and affection on the part of his parents; his father looked down on him and compared him to Tony all the time, emphasizing to him that he was useless and that for that reason he would never become someone important. Clearly the hurtful comments from his father marked Sid and thus he always felt that way. Some of his friends also underestimated him at times, especially Tony, who constantly manipulated and trampled him. Sid, he was a noble boy, loyal and in my opinion a good friend; he was always there for Tony, even when he shouldn't be. The separation of his parents, a toxic relationship (with Cassie) and multiple personal and school problems make Sid a more confident boy. One of my favorite characters by far.

3. Michelle.

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Michelle Richardson was the cute girl wanted by everyone at school. She was Tony's girlfriend and had a best friend (Jal); she loved Tony, despite being aware that he was not reciprocated. She lived with her mother and her stepfather, who was always above her. Her main interest was to always dress well and serve Tony's needs. Despite being beautiful, being very intelligent and showing self-confidence, she had low self-esteem and was emotionally dependent on Tony, as she was manipulated, deceived and humiliated by him on several occasions. Michelle made many mistakes in an effort to find someone who would love her and see her as hers, her world, but despite all that and thanks to the best of her, she was able to realize the value that she had as a woman. A character with whom I identified and felt a lot of empathy due tomy past relationships.

4. Cassie.

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Cassandra Ainsworth, was Sid's girlfriend and great friend of Michell. She was a girl with artist parents, but they did not pay due attention to her, which is important to emphasize, since Cassie had Nervous Anorexia, an eating disorder that kept her hospitalized for a long time. She was always looking to look slim to feel beautiful, she never agreed with her figure, which made her feel insecure and undesirable. She fell in love with Sid, who at first did not correspond to her the same and because of that, she made many mistakes that almost cost her her life. Their relationship took place and seemed to be on the right track until they had to keep her away for a while, Sid was confused and even though he loved Cassie, he was always in love with Michelle (detail that Cassie always had in mind), and that's why he betrays her. From there, Cassie falls into a state of despair that has led her to consume excessively psychoactive substances and even develops extreme promiscuity. The death of important people, rejection, betrayal by Michelle, multiple psychological problems and infidelity on the part of Sid, make Cassie the most influential character in the series.

5. Chris.


Chris Miles, was an outgoing boy, a fish lover, a good friend and therefore very loved by all. He was Jal's boyfriend and Cassie's best friend. I have many things to say about him, but I will start by talking about everything that surrounds him. Chris lived with his mother, who was not paying attention to him and she reaches a point where she leaves him; As can be understood, she does not know how to deal with her son's problems and that is why she makes this decision. Although Chris is not entirely concerned about the situation, we can see the more human side and that shows us the other side of the character, because at the beginning of the series we perceive Chris as a drug addict who loves parties and pills. But, despite the events that surround him, we realize the reason for his attitude. At that precise moment of abandonment, we realize that Chris does not have the support of anyone, since he lost the most important person in his life (his older brother) due to a hereditary disease and his father he doesn't want to know anything. By losing his home and misinvesting his money, Chris is homeless and only has the support of his friends and his psychology teacher (Angie), with whom he was in love and with her. that he had an affair. When he understands that he and his teacher do not have to be, he falls in love with Jal and they have a relationship that leaves a child (unborn) in between. I must say that he is my favorite character by far, he makes you feel strong emotions and even cry, because at first you may judge him, but in the end you feel sorry for him for everything that happened to him and you realize that he really did not deserve it. Chris dies in Cassie's arms.

6. Jal.

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Jal Fazer, was Michell's best friend and Chris's girlfriend. She was a talented clarinetist, whose father was a music producer and amateur singer-songwriter brothers. Jal, she was a girl who like others liked to have fun, but she was still focused on being the best clarinet player to get a scholarship and be able to study at the university that she wanted. She was always on the lookout for her friends (Cassie and Michelle) and never agreed with the attitudes of Tony and Sid respectively. She had a relationship with Chris and was very supportive of hers throughout it, both emotionally and financially; Due to the death of Chris Jal (which she was pregnant) she decides to abort because she has no other option, because if Chris by her side there was only her and her dreams. Jal never counted on his mother (she was never there for her) and had to endure the constant mockery of his brothers and at first his father's rudeness for doing what he liked, but, as expected, he obtained the scholarship that he longed for and was able to study out of town.

7. Maxxie and Anwar

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I will talk about Maxxie and Anwar in this section because they were basically inseparable and therefore do not have separate episodes. Starting with Maxxie, he was an openly gay boy, very cheerful, sensitive, loyal, a good friend, and a brilliant artist. His greatest dream was to get very far with the dance even though his father did not want it. He had a lot of problems because of his sexual orientation; he was discriminated against, humiliated and harassed. Anwar was his best friend, he was a Muslim, but not very devoted to it because he ignored his beliefs, when consuming substances, going to parties, having sex before marriage and even consuming pork . There was something very curious in all this about religion, because Anwar considered that homosexuality was against his religion and therefore, despite the fact that his best friend was openly homosexual, his parents did not know it and he was not able to comment on them for the fear that he would be forced to end his friendship with Maxxie. Because of this, Maxxie feels discriminated against by Anwar and their friendship almost tends by a thread because of it, Maxxie felt that his friend was ashamed of him and that is why not that his parents knew about it, but, despite that difference Anwar and Maxxie they remained inseparable. Regarding romantic relationships, Maxxie had a sexual encounter with Tony, when he wanted to experiment with a man. Anwar, for his part, had a relationship with Lucy, a girl who harassed Maxxie and did everything possible to get him to pay attention to her; so much was his obsession that he agreed to dress as a man to please him and since he had no opportunity, he conquered his best friend so that he could be close to him. Lucy is an interesting character, who is so obsessed with Maxxie, that she leads Anwar to look like him just to please her, which, they soon discover.

So far the review. Thanks so much for reading.

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