Underrated Gems - Issue #3

Hello fellow movie lovers! This is the the number 3 issue or my underrated movies article series. This week i turn back from so much future dystopia, and more towards dramatic and inner facing movies!



Radius starts out in a very strange fashion, you take a while to get to see much action. The premise of the movie is pretty unique and original, judging from the cover i almost thought about some rapture kind of thing, but no, the all thing despite being slow ends up making for a good movie in my opinion
Charlotte Sullivan puts in a good effort on this movie, she lend herself very nicely to the role, other actress would now seem implausible for the part.


The Frame


The Frame was a real surprise, when i saw David Carranza, i could swear he was the soon of Boba Fet from Star wars the clone wars, ended up being my mind playing tricks on me. This is a longer movie than most "normal" crossing the 2 hour line. Still was worth the time i spent on it, not so many of this actors are known at all, i think i only knew really the work of Christopher Soren Kelly, i had seen Infinity Chamber, he stars almost alone in a box on that one and i reckoned from that point he had some skills. The only other familiar face was Tiffany Mualem, remember her from Vanished also, but for my surprise IMDB does not have one single photo of her, i suspect she must be the private kind of actress, and seems her career is more behind the scenes. A great movie by my standard.

The Discovery

The Discovery ended up being the less original of the 3, Charlie McDowell does an ok job, having the likes of Mary Steenburgen and Robert Redford goes a long way with this one. Probably i need another go at it, i saw the work on it, but i think from this set is the one that had less impact on me, still i recommend it very much!

Well this is it for the week, have you already seen any of this movies? Care to share your idea and take on it? please feel free to use the comments i will gladly answer back.

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