Caso Matsunaga | Matsunaga case | 2021 | [ENG/ESP]

Why did a young, beautiful, mother and wealthy woman kill her husband?

Hello, welcome.

This four-episode miniseries, directed by Eliza Capai, tells the story of one of the most famous crimes in Brazil: the Matsunaga case

¿Por que una mujer joven, hermosa, madre y de buena posición mato a su esposo?

Hola, sean bienvenidos

Esta miniserie de cuatro capítulos, dirigida por Eliza Capai, nos cuenta sobre uno de los crímenes más famosos de Brasil: el caso Matsunaga.

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La historia comienza mostrándonos una familia feliz. Elize estaba casada con un prominente empresario de Brasil, tenían una hija; sin embargo, sospechaba que su marido era infiel.

Esta no era la primera vez que su esposo veía a otra persona; Por eso, contrató a un detective privado y se fue a visitar a su abuela. El investigador descubrió que su marido tenía una amante, una joven que encontró en un servicio de citas.

LLega de su viaje, su esposo la recibe y deciden cenar Pizza, en las camaras se observa a Marcos llevando el pedido a su apartamento, Según lo que ella cuenta, durante la cena, surgió la conversación de la infidelidad, de allí la discusión y las amenazas. Elize se va a una habitación, saca la pistola y mata a su marido.

La familia de marcos Kitano recibía emails donde explicaba que se tomó unos días de vacaciones. Sus amigos,tenian sospechas sobre esa ausencia, porque él tenía que firmar varios documentos para la venta de la compañía.

La familia le ofreció a Elize ayuda y hacerse cargo de todo lo que ella necesitara en caso de que su esposo la dejara.

¿Qué pasó? Era la pregunta que rondaba en mi cabeza, así avancé al segundo capítulo.


The story begins by showing us a happy family. Elize was married to a prominent businessman from Brazil, and they had a daughter; however, she suspected that her husband was unfaithful.

This was not the first time that her husband had been with someone else; therefore, she hired a private detective and went to visit her grandmother. The investigator discovered that her husband had a lover, a young woman he found on a dating service.

Arriving from her trip, her husband receives her and they decide to have pizza for dinner. On the cameras, Marcos is seen bringing the order to their apartment. According to what she tells, during the dinner, the conversation about infidelity emerged, leading to an argument and threats. Elize goes to a room, pulls out a gun, and kills her husband.

Marcos Kitano family received emails explaining that he took a few days off. His friends were suspicious of his absence because he had to sign several documents for the sale of the company.

The family offered Elize help and took care of whatever she needed in case her husband left her.

"What happened?" was the question that lingered in my mind, so I moved on to the second chapter.

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Días después, un policía encuentra en una zona abandonada varias bolsas que le parecen sospechosas. Al abrirlas, descubre partes de un cuerpo con prendas de vestir que eran de marca. Les daba a entender que cada pieza pertenecía a una persona con recursos económicos. No se encontró la cabeza y las huellas no eran tan precisas.

Luego de una búsqueda intensiva, consiguen la cabeza e identifican al cadáver como el de Marcos Kitano. La investigación comienza con su esposa , es la primera sospechosa, en vista de que los videos señalaban que él entró a su apartamento y nunca salió. Solo se ve a Elize cargando 03 maletas grandes en el ascensor.

Elize Matzunaga es detenida y ella alega a su favor que lo hizo en defensa propia y que su esposo la insultaba, maltrataba, la queria encerrar en un manicomio y tenía un amante.

Sería eso lo que paso con Elise, los celos la llevaron a cometer ese acto.

Days later, a police officer found several suspicious bags in an abandoned area. Upon opening them, he discovered body parts with brand clothing that indicated that each piece belonged to a person with economic resources. The head was not found, and the fingerprints were not precise.

After an intensive search, they found the head and identified the corpse as Marcos Kitano's. The investigation began with his wife as the primary suspect, considering that videos showed him entering her apartment and never leaving, but only Elize carrying three large suitcases in the elevator.

Elize Matzunaga was arrested, and she claimed that she did it in self-defense and that her husband insulted her, mistreated her, wanted to lock her up in a mental institution, and had a lover.

That would be what happened with Elise jealousy led her to commit that act.

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Mi opinión

Es difícil no hacer spoiler en un caso real, El documental no explica los verdaderos motivos del asesinato y ella dice hay secretos que no piensa revelar, solo a su hija...

Para mí es su principal falla, o tal vez sea que hay que dejarlo a la imaginación de cada espectador.

*No se habla a profundidad de su pasado, es algo que falta en el Documental, Elize fue violada por su padrastro, abandono su casa y vivio en las calles, luego fue rescatada y enviada con su abuela, pero para costear sus estudios de Derecho decide ser acompañante y allí conoce a su esposo Marcos.

Me gusto, que hay varios puntos de vista de periodistas, forenses, abogados y de Elize por qué es la primera vez que concede una entrevista para hablar de lo sucedido.

De parte de la familia Katana solo su abogada los representa, narra que ellos estaban realizando terapia de pareja, y luego de confirmar con una prueba de ADN, tienen la patria potestad de su nieta, han pasado 10 años de los 19 de la condena y la familia se prepara para protegerla de su madre.

My opinion

It is difficult not to make spoilers in a real case, The documentary does not explain the real motives of the murder, and she says there are secrets she does not intend to reveal, only to her daughter...

For me, this is its main flaw, or maybe it is that it should be left to the imagination of each viewer.

It does not talk in depth about her past, it is something that is missing in the documentary, Elize was raped by her stepfather, she abandoned her home and lived on the streets, then she was rescued and sent to her grandmother, but to pay for her law studies she decides to be an escort and there she meets her husband Marcos.

I liked that there are several points of view of journalists, forensic experts, lawyers, and Elize because it is the first time she gives an interview to talk about what happened.

On behalf of the Katana family, only their lawyer represents them, she narrates that they were in couple's therapy, and after confirming with a DNA test, they have the parental rights of their granddaughter, 10 years of the 19 years of the sentence have passed and the family is preparing to protect her from her mother.


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Elize sale a la calle por primera vez y decide grabar el documental, para que contarle a su hija lo sucedido. El régimen carcelario de Brasil tiene salidas transitorias para que los detenidos se adapten de nuevo a la vida normal.

Sus últimos capitulo tratan sobre el juicio, la prensa y la entrevista que ella ofrece, además que se evidencia el machismo, y la cobertura mediática de este caso.

La percepción que tuve al ver el Documental, es que Elize es una mujer, fria, calculadora y una gran actriz.

Es una Miniserie para ver y olvidar si te gusta este genero, es larga, trata de justificar lo injustificable, explica de manera muy superficial las razones que llevaron a Elize Matzunaga a matar y a descuartizar a su esposo.

! [Spoiler] Texto de spoiler oculto>Como madre , me sentí identificada con la familia Katano , con su dolor por la perdida de su hijo, soy mujer y a la edad que tengo puedo entender los celos que Elize sintió y su ira por su pasado oscuro, pero tiene una hija llegar a un acuerdo era la forma civilizada de protegerla. Sé que en una discusión de pareja se puede perder la cabeza, ha pasado, pero no puedo entender lo que paso después, ella arrastra 15 metros el cadáver hacia el cuarto, lo descuartiza, según el informe forense descanso y luego retomo el proceso, lo mete en bolsas y luego en tres maletas, en el otro cuarto estaba su hija durmiendo, no pensó en eso, o en llamar a la policía, Bota el Cadáver y luego engaña a la familia Kataro fabricando emails falsos, Eso no lo puedo entender. Ella era acompañante, sabia que su esposo era adicto a ese tipo de mujer , el no iva a cambiar, a ella no le iva a faltar el dinero, era su esposa legitima.

Elize goes out on the street for the first time and decides to film the documentary, to tell her daughter what happened. The Brazilian prison regime has temporary releases so that the detainees can adapt to normal life again.

The last chapters deal with the trial, the press, and the interview she gives, as well as the machismo and the media coverage of this case.

The perception I had when watching the documentary is that Elize is a woman, cold, calculating, and a great actress.

It is a Miniseries to watch and forget if you like this genre, it is long, it tries to justify the unjustifiable, and it explains in a very superficial way the reasons that led Elize Matzunaga to kill and dismember her husband.

! [Hidden Spoiler Text] This is the spoiler content.
Optionally with more lines
As a mother, I felt identified with the Katano family, with their pain for the loss of their son, I am a woman and at the age I am, I can understand the jealousy that Elize felt and her anger for her dark past, but she has a daughter, reaching an agreement was the civilized way to protect her. I know that in a couple of arguments, you can lose your head, it has happened, but I can't understand what happened next, she drags 15 meters of the corpse into the room, dismembers it, according to the forensic report, rest and then resume the process, she put it in bags and then in three suitcases, in the other room was her daughter sleeping, she did not think about that, or to call the police, She throws the Corpse away and then deceives the Kataro family fabricating false emails, That I can't understand. She was an escort, she knew her husband was addicted to that kind of woman, he was not going to change, she would not be short of money, let alone a house to live in with her daughter


The images that accompany this review are captures from the film.

Las imagenes que acompañan esta reseña son captures de la pelicula.

Thank you/Gracias


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Movie poster image - Imagen del cartel de la pelicula


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