馃幀 Serie Review: Third season of Bridgerton part two [ES/EN]

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隆Hola amigos! Hoy me pas贸 por ac谩 para compartir con ustedes mi opini贸n acerca de la segunda parte de la tercera temporada de Los Bridgerton. Les dejo por ac谩 mi opini贸n de la primera parte por si quieren ponerse en contexto, de todos modos hablar茅 de la temporada en general. Bueno, empecemos.

Hello friends! Today I stopped by to share with you my opinion about the second part of the third season of Bridgerton. I'll leave here my opinion of the first part in case you want to put it in context, anyway I'll talk about the season in general. Well, let's get started.

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Trama - Plot

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Despu茅s de que Colin Bridgerton se diera cuenta de sus verdaderos sentimientos por Penelope Featherington le propuso casamiento. Sin embargo, el reloj corre y puede que el secreto de la verdadera identidad de Lady Whistledown salga muy pronto a la luz y con ello se lleve toda esperanza de felicidad para esta pareja. Con la aparici贸n de una falsa Whistledown amenazando todo lo que Penelope construyo hasta ahora, esta va a tener que tomar decisiones o puede que arrastre la reputaci贸n de todos a los que ama.

After Colin Bridgerton realized his true feelings for Penelope Featherington, he proposed to her. However, the clock is ticking and the secret of Lady Whistledown's true identity may soon come to light and with it all hope of happiness for the couple. With the appearance of a false Whistledown threatening everything Penelope has built so far, she will have to make choices or she may drag down the reputation of everyone she loves.

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Rese帽a - Review

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Si les soy sincera me gust贸 un poco m谩s la primera parte porque esta segunda la sufr铆 bastante al revelarse la verdad y ver c贸mo todo se pon铆a patas para arriba. Sent铆 que lo que tendr铆a que haber sido un momento de felicidad plena para esta pareja qued贸 manchado por este secreto que sali贸 a la luz.

To be honest, I liked the first part a little more because I suffered a lot in the second part when the truth was revealed and everything was turned upside down. I felt that what should have been a moment of happiness for this couple was tainted by this secret that came to light.

Con esto no quiero decir que no me gustar谩 porque en realidad me encant贸, pero hubo mucho m谩s drama y enemistad que al principio. Sin embargo, no deben preocuparse porque no hay mal que dure para siempre, as铆 que al final hubo soluci贸n. El desenlace fue lo que m谩s me gust贸 y, adem谩s, que seria de una buena serie de romance hist贸rico sin su cuota de dramatismo.

By this I don't mean that I didn't like it because I actually loved it, but there was a lot more drama and enmity than at the beginning. However, you should not worry because there is no evil that lasts forever, so in the end there was a solution. The denouement was what I liked the most and, besides, what would a good historical romance series be without its share of drama.


Aunque debo decir que la sent铆 mucho m谩s apresurada a esta temporada que a otras, tambi茅n hubo algunos saltos en el tiempo. Todo sucedi贸 muy r谩pido, adem谩s de que hubo varias subtramas sucediendo en el medio. Me hubiera gustado que se centraran un poco m谩s en la pareja principal, pero con tantas situaciones sucediendo era dif铆cil.

Although I must say that I felt this season was much more rushed than others, there were also some time jumps. Everything happened very fast, plus there were several subplots happening in between. I would have liked them to focus a little more on the main couple, but with so many situations happening it was difficult.


Lo que m谩s me gust贸 es ver a una Penelope tan consciente de su propio poder con la pluma y aprendiendo a usarlo con responsabilidad. Ella logr贸 mostrarle al mundo su verdadera esencia y, al final, hasta su madre tuvo que reconocer que estaba orgullosa de ella y de todo lo que logr贸. Me gust贸 mucho el personaje de Lady Featherington esta temporada, aunque haya hecho cosas imperdonables no cabe duda de que es un gran personaje y sus otras hijas tambi茅n, siempre me hacen re铆r.

What I liked most is to see Penelope so aware of her own power with the pen and learning to use it responsibly. She managed to show the world her true essence and, in the end, even her mother had to acknowledge that she was proud of her and all that she accomplished. I really liked Lady Featherington's character this season, even if she did unforgivable things there is no doubt that she is a great character and her other daughters too, they always make me laugh.

Me encant贸 esta historia y la temporada esta buena, pero se nota que est谩n queriendo amoldar la serie a la agenda televisiva actual y cambiando hechos significativos para los fan谩ticos de los libros. De todos modos, a mi me gusta pensar que se pueden disfrutar de ambas versiones, tanto la de los libros como la de la serie y es entretenido ver con qu茅 van a salir en las pr贸ximas temporadas. Por lo pronto, les recomiendo que vean esta serie si no lo hicieron y disfr煤tenla que para eso est谩.

I loved this story and the season is good, but you can tell that they are trying to mold the series to the current TV agenda and changing significant facts for fans of the books. Anyway, I like to think that you can enjoy both versions, both the books and the series and it is entertaining to see what they will come up with in the next seasons. For now, I recommend that you watch this series if you haven't already and enjoy it, that's what it's there for.


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Bueno amigos, hasta ac谩 mi rese帽a acerca de esta tercera temporada de la serie. Espero que les haya gustado y si ya la vieron me gustar铆a conocer su opini贸n al respecto.
Gracias por llegar hasta ac谩.
隆Hasta la pr贸xima!

Well friends, this is my review of this third season of the series. I hope you liked it and if you have already seen it I would like to know your opinion about it.
Thanks for making it this far.
See you next time!

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