The unforgivable 2021: Road to the Oscar Awards

This film that has been defined within the film genre as Drama and Suspense has much more than that in the construction of the script, photography, music and a variety of codes that are used for the viewer to get fully into the story of Ruth Slater role played masterfully by Sandra Bullock.


The unforgivable is a Neflix product, who has excelled in recent years in making films of very good quality with high quality actors, I think that the passage of these actors by the big Hollywood studios and today on the screens of our homes thanks to Neflix is undoubtedly a transition that is also necessary and very well cared for. This film I must confess kept me without being able to blink because every detail of what was happening with the main protagonist Ruth in that life after leaving prison is really impressive, it is not just any story of someone who after 20 years of serving a sentence leaves prison, no, it is a story from the human from that we can become as vile and cruel beings when we judge without knowing the truth or the reasons of the other and how terrible life in society can be when you are singled out as a criminal.


Ruth Slater also shows us what we are capable of sacrificing for those we love, how we cannot forget our responsibility to the people who are part of our lives. For me a phrase that marks a before and after in the plot of the film and that you can even see it clearly in the behavior of the other characters who do not allow her to forget what she has done is "Life goes on". This precise phrase marks the beginning of a set of events that hit Ruth hard showing her and all of us who watch the film that in reality life does not go on, it stops and gets left behind when society does not allow you to move on.


Another important point that is handled excellently is the theme of adoption and the families who decide to adopt children who come from destroyed homes and even whose previous events have left them traumatized, in this part of the script the performances of Vincent D'Onofrio who plays John a commercial lawyer who decides to help Ruth in her case and Viola Davis who plays Liz are without a doubt some of the best performances I have seen in a long time, as I have mentioned the treatment of the adoptive family and the family of color is also something that left me with a great reflection because of the subtle way in which they make us a call to consciousness of what we are really doing with families today and how we are still anchored to old patterns and schemes again where society is unforgiving and judgmental.


The unforgivable shows us four stories that develop around the events that originate from that crime that Ruth cannot be forgiven, where it is also explained that there are other facts that turn you in the eyes of society into a criminal whose life will not be the same because your decisions have made you commit an unforgivable and unforgettable crime. I will not tell you more because I hope you can see it and comment on what you thought? For me a gem of a production without any waste of space or time, with an exquisite photography full of visual codes that take us to the mind of the characters, music undoubtedly according to the narrative and necessary silences. Thank you all, I hope you can comment on what you think of this film? Which one I have yet to talk about.
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