Julia: a delightful and delicious TV show

Hello friends!

We once again enjoy an entertaining moment and a new #TVshow, this time I would like to share with all of you the review of a different TV show from what is common these days, it is charming, interesting, fun and delicious.
This is: Julia (HBOMax)

And what is it about?

In reality, it is a biographical TV show, as it is about the life of Julia Child who became a television icon in the 1950s with her first cooking show on the air. She was already famous with her book on French cooking, but they finally gave an adorable and striking woman the opportunity to do a TV program that became very popular.

So in this modern version of her life, Julia returns to the screens, and many of us know her now. In the TV show we are shown Julia and her husband who already enjoy a pleasant life in Boston and she is thinking about a second part of the book with her editor friend who always supports her so much, Judith. But the idea of television crosses her path, and although no one thinks she can succeed, she does.

She herself offers to finance the program but needs the support of a producer, everyone in the network is against it except the only woman who works there Alice and so they both carry out this crazy project.

From there the success, fame and popularity. And many French cuisine recipes that reached North American homes.

And the characters?

The characters are funny and intense, many adorable because they show Julia their unconditional love, like her own husband Paul who does not mind supporting his wife and now after years as a diplomatic abroad now being in the shadow of his beloved wife.

Also, as we have mentioned, her editor Judith, her producer Alice and the rest of the producers and team who are finally not only convinced by Julia's charisma but enthralled, then they will not want to lose her, nor their star program on the channel's television schedule. And we don't forget a long-time friend Avis, who is always on the set, even under the table if necessary, passing them the ingredients, but also at home helping them test and create new recipes for the next season of their show.

What do I like the most?

What I like most is the simplicity of the series and the protagonist herself, Julia. A unique personality, smiling, happy, kind and very sweet, she cares about everyone and by cooking in front of a television camera she became an icon.

In addition to the recipes and those delicious dishes that appear, we also enjoy the different relationships between the characters. There is no blood or violence in this TV show, but there is anger, mistrust, misunderstandings, but everything in a different tone, and it is also combined with comic moments and trips to the elegant and magnifique France.

A TV show that adds a bit of fifties style and gastronomic glamor to our routine, sweetness and very pleasant moments. A series to watch together and to feel friends with all those characters who end up being all endearing. And so we discovered the life of a wonderful woman who dared to leave her comfort zone and wanted to continue sharing her delicious passion for French cuisine in an even more delightful, innovative and spectacular way.
I highly recommend it to you.

More information about the TV show and all the shared images here: IMDB - Julia

Thanks for reading! Have a nice and delicious day.

The text is totally mine by ©Duvinca

The screenshots are from imbd.com and the lead image has been done by me using Canva.com

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