Batman is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! (Update: And Superman, too)

I have never ventured into writing movie reviews before, because in my opinion, I do not have the acumen or acuity to analyze their stories in a profound way, nor to articulate them if I did. Nonetheless, I enjoy watching movies and TV shows, and derive a lot of fulfillment in immersing myself in the fantastic worlds conjured by the imagination of authors, writers, and moviemakers everywhere.

Right now, I am watching Marvel Studios' The Eternals, and while it is a bit slow (I took a four-hour nap after about 40 minutes and I'm just continuing it just now), it is quite enjoyable, especially the gradual unraveling of the twists in the story.

This is not a review of the movie, however. I just wanted to point out something that I noticed in one scene: Gilgamesh mentioned Batman.

Batman is in the MCU!

It is of course assumed that in this universe, Batman is a fictional character, unlike the Avengers, Thanos, or the other Marvel characters, who are considered real. Still, it was never mentioned as such, and maybe Robert Pattinson or Batfleck can make an appearance one day! The fact that someone already thought about it (that is, me), then in a parallel universe, he already has.

Now, I haven't watched all of the MCU movies, because of the simple fact that I am a die-hard DC fanboy. Marvel comics is simply not in my DNA. I mentioned this because it is quite likely that Batman or some other DC character has already been mentioned in some Marvel movie before, and that what I discovered is not unique. Still, I just wanted to share this.

I might share my thoughts on the movie once I finish it, if it is good enough and if it is worth several paragraphs of review. Anyway, I'm going back to the show now.

screenshot from the movie

Update: I finished the movie a while ago, and as @nestogomez pointed out, Superman was referenced, too!

screenshot from the movie

screenshot from the movie

screenshot from the movie

If they ever feature the Justice League in the MCU, it would be mind-blowing! Make it happen please 😻😻😻

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