
Princess Diana is one of the most media-attributed figures in her time and after her death in the history of the British royal family. Despite many attempts to present her story and explore facts, Diana's life and insides are still tainted by mystery to this day and perhaps it will remain forever.

The makers of the movie Spencer decided to use Diana's character differently this time from the rest of the drama and literature that tried to present her life to present us with Diana in a psychological dramatic framework that focuses on the restrictions that Diana was subjected to in the palace and its psychological impact on her. Was that enough to present a strong film as Is he waiting?

Spencer movie story: The film takes place in the English Royal Palace at the beginning of the nineties, with the approach of Christmas and the start of celebrations in the palace, to shed light on Princess Diana and the three difficult days that she lived through, which were generally distinguished in her life

The Spencer movie is one of the films that relies heavily on the main character to see everything through the character, as not one scene is devoid of its presence, and it is a completely appropriate style for this film that focuses on penetrating Diana's feelings and her escalating turmoil with the passage of days in the palace.

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The film focused on highlighting the palace routine and how restrictive it was for Diana from the start; From the moment Diana entered the palace and the servant insisted on her weight to make sure after three days of gaining weight and enjoying Christmas until the end of the movie we see different forms of routine and traditions restricting Diana and contrary to her simple nature.

The film also focused on highlighting Diana's personality as a very thin and fragile person who is easily affected by the pressures around her, which makes her suffer on a psychological level with every meal in which she is forced to confront the royal family, including Prince Charles .

Perhaps my problem with the film was that intense and unilateral focus on one idea without exploiting any details of Diana's life to add new and diverse conflicts that activate the mind of the viewer, who began to slacken after the first hour, as what the film wanted to convey from ideas has already arrived and what What happened after that was nothing but a repetition of the same suffering with similar reactions to waste the opportunity to watch Kristen Stewart embody larger and more complex conflicts instead of being satisfied with only one over the course of the film until we reached the last quarter of an hour.

In the last quarter of an hour, the plot of the film moves forward and Princess Diana, after a long struggle with herself, finally makes the choice to break free from the constraints imposed on her by her social position and lineage, sacrificing status and royalty for some fresh air and a chicken meal in front of the river with her children.


distinguished role, unlike her previous roles, which reflects her real talent and shows great diligence through which Kristen absorbed Diana's character with her gait, head movement, manner of speaking and accent; A great effort made by Christine to embody the character for two hours without a single scene without her presence with an excellent embodiment of her struggle with the rules of the continuous and escalating palace with time.Spencer movie review - Diana's life in a narrow perspective 2

Although the secondary characters in the film were very marginal and without any influence on the events, the appearances of Sarah Hawkins , Sean Harris and Timothy Spall were beautiful and added to each scene in which they were present a different spirit.

On the technical side, the film was distinguished on the level of all elements. We have the cinematographic element, which was wonderful in terms of the composition of the frames and the movement of the camera, which varied between the fixed camera in wide and medium frames and the mobile camera carried on the shoulder in the narrow frames on Diana’s face, especially in the moments of her collapse Psychologically, which helped more in conveying the state of turmoil that she suffers from to the viewer.

The film also witnessed great effort in designing the decorations for each scene and choosing the costumes to match Diana's clothes. Confirmation that Diana was spoiled since childhood.

The soundtrack of Johnny Greenwood was wonderful and fully expressive of the era and the atmosphere in which we live in the film, in addition to its ability to vary according to each scene very smoothly and without deviating from the general character of the film's music.

The Spencer movie is one of the very good films of the year, and if the movie had been shorter in time, it would have been faster and more enjoyable, but the long duration of the movie compared to what it presented of events and ideas robbed the movie experience of a lot of fun.

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