Lou: The terror of being an abandoned child – A movie review

Lou, a brand-new action-packed suspense thriller film, was made available on Netflix on September 23, 2022. The bomb went off because of a unique mother-child relationship, endangering the lives of the entire family. The stunning cinematography, masterfully crafted tale pacing and strength of Lou's mystique kept the audience's attention till the very end. A once proud, alone, and isolated woman underwent a transformation, became embroiled in her insane past, and was gradually connected to her present existence.

An image edited in Canva. The original image was from Netflix.

“World’s not a playground. Teach your kid to look out for herself. - Lou”

To be completely honest, I was intrigued by this movie because it had been a while since I had watched a suspense thriller that was primarily concerned with family-related issues. Everyone may identify with the sensible and realistic life decisions that were included in the film Lou. Lou's action sequences are absolutely massive and hilariously gorgeous. I stopped blinking when she and the three men in the cabin started fighting because of their amazing, well-demonstrated stunts. In real combat, you have to be aware of her movements and thoughts. She was truly a certified ex-CIA agent.

About the film

“Thinking she'd put her dangerous past behind her, Lou (Allison Janney) finds her quiet life interrupted when a desperate mother (Jurnee Smollett) begs her to save her kidnapped daughter. As a massive storm rages, the two women risk their lives on a rescue mission that will test their limits and expose dark and shocking secrets from their pasts.” -rottentomatoes.com

The film was directed by Anna Foerster, a well-known director, and cinematographer in the entertainment industry. She directed Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) and several movies in different roles. It was written by Maggie Cohn, and she also wrote the famous "American Crime Story" in 2018. The film's budget was approximately $30 million since it didn’t use a green screen or special effects. It was really unbelievable for Allison Janney (Lou) to be cast in an action-crime movie. Several fans are highly satisfied with her performances.

This is more than kidnapping

The time when Philip kidnapped Vee and brought to a cave. An image was from the Cosmopolitan.

The long-buried truths of Lou's past were suddenly resurfacing, and it all began when Hannah's (Jurnee Smollett) daughter was unexpectedly abducted while playing hide-and-seek. The abductor was recognized and introduced as a hitchhiker, but it was later discovered that he was the child's father. The kidnapping took place in the middle of the night as heavy rain lingered nearby. The forest's grayish sky resonated with the rumbling of a thunderstorm. It's so intriguing and revealing of the hitchhiker, or Philip, to develop his character by leaving extra clothing behind to establish a trail of where they're going (Logan Marshall).

Lou's career as a CIA operative and mother came to an end when she abandoned her child at the Iranian mission. I find it difficult to envision a mother carrying her child within of her for nine months, then abruptly leaving the infant because she was called to an important assignment. This indicates that even though Lou had a multitude of obligations to her family and her job, the latter stood out the most. It provides Philip, who joined the US Army's Special Forces or Green Berets, a wretched life. However, a war criminal subsequently.

The fruit of becoming unloved and an outcast in the family

Philip searched for a track in the forest. An image was from the Radiotimes.

What an unloved child could do to the main family was extremely terrifying, especially considering how long he had been abandoned. I had more faith in it than in kidnapping, the only legal means a father had to retrieve his daughter. You can see Philip's perspective, where he wanted to devote himself to the family, fulfill his obligations as a parent, and develop into a devout husband. However, out of terror, his wife Hannah abandoned him and their young daughter. He would naturally flee and locate a suitable spot to remain for Hannah, who believed that her husband had perished while on a mission.

I came to understand that when you are shunned by your family, a hole forms in your heart that cannot be filled unless you get your family's, sincere love. Lou and Hannah finally let their long-kept truths out while searching for Vee, the daughter. They had no idea that each other would be the subject of the secret. The importance of mother-daughter and mother-son ties was highlighted in the movie. There are two types of mothers: those who would do anything to save their child and those who would pick the best course of action regardless of the possibility of losing their own child.

The chosen paths

Lou and Hannah was shocked what they found in the boat. An image was from the Cosmopolitan.

The time when Lou and Hannah fought Philip inside the light house. An image was from the Cosmopolitan.

The moment Lou revealed to Hannah the whole truth about her and her son's past, Hannah was completely stunned. Before the movie finished, Hannah had forgiven Lou, and I wanted to accept Lou's choice to remain with his kid. I had a catastrophic ache in my heart while witnessing a mother fight her son to death and vice versa in order to resolve the long-standing issue and reconcile their enormous resentments and regrets. They ultimately decided to put family love ahead of the past, but it proved to be their downfall. They were discovered by the CIA in a chopper, who then shot them repeatedly till they tragically died.

Based on the acting as a whole, the plot, the visuals, the locations, and the sound effects, I'd like to grant this a score of 9 out of 10. Obviously, it would be one of the best films in September, with a deranged man yearning for a mother and the affection of his own family. I wholeheartedly urge you to see this movie if you enjoy psychological suspense and action movies like Lou. This movie succeeds thanks to its intense action sequences, startling insights, and outstanding performances.

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