My Favorite Actor and Actress

I've watched many actors and actresses over the years both international and local. For this contest I've decided to go with 2 of the best in my book.

I've always enjoyed watching these two- Leonardo DiCaprio and Scarlett Johansson

ACTOR - Leonardo DiCaprio

One of my favorite of all time. He is known for many movies he acted but for me it was "Catch Me If You Can".
His performance was incredible. The way he switches up midscenes was special. There's something about the way he brings his character to life.
I like the way he transitioned to be more dynamic in his roles.
He was a complete different actor from Romeo and Juliet and in the Titanic.

Crime drama brought out another side of DiCaprio. In the hit movie "Wolf Of Wallstreet" it was as though he was telling his way into the Oscar but his performance was extraordinary. I believe he is capable of taking up any role for a male actor maybe not comedy.
If you have a script for a complicated movie like Inception or Shutter Island then you can't go wrong with DiCaprio.

One of my notable moment for DiCaprio was winning thw Oscar. It has been long overdue for an amazing career of a living legend in his immaculate performance in the Revenant.

DiCarpio tests himself by going above and beyond. Usually actors in thr action scenes do such but DiCaprio infuses this in every kind of movie he acts.

His consistency and always giving it 100% in every movie makes him one of my favorite actor.

In thr future, I'd like to see DiCaprio in a war movie. I feel he has alot to offer.


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ACTRESS - Scarlett Johansson

As a lover of science fiction and action movies, one actress that really cuaght my attention is Scarlett Johansson.
You could almost believe that character she is playing is real.

She's featured in drama, historical drama,romance, sci-fi and other genre of movies.

I'd like to speak on sci-fi and we She's thr perfect choice for moviesnin such caliber. I can almost say she is an inspiration to such roles.
Scarlett went from being and AI in the movies HER and it was perfect. Her voice is amazing. In a movie where it was just about listening to her voice, she was able to give a pictorial imaginary about what it feels like to have an interactive AI with emotions of love.
Her journey in sci-fi as I remember was in the movie The Island where she featured as a clone to a super model. Scarlett is no stranger to this type of movies.
In LUCY she was basically a super computer and then in Ghost in a shell she was a cyberhuman.

Of course notable mentions to her MCU roles as the Black Widow.

Scarlett Johansson in the Marriage Story reminds of us her dynamic attributes as an actress.
We've seen her fight aliens, be an AI, a clone, a cyberhuman and much more. In thay movie we could see her perform in the most vulnerable state thay indeed she's really human. At a point I almost forget she is a human being just acting a role.

I'd like to see her act in a dystopia movie. It would be nice to see her act in a survival movie type.

She's special and my favorite actress at the moment.


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